Dwarf Juniper Clings to Boulder above Skjoldungensund, Greenland
This dwarf juniper above Skjoldungensund, Greenland was the tallest-growing plant around, by virtue of closely hugging a boulder to gain some headway above the surrounding Arctic tundra. TODAY'S…
Gathering water column data at the side gate of NG Explorer
Young explorers Aely, Wesley, Sarah, Kerry, Shannon, and Matthew help Joe Super collect water column data from the side gate on National Geographic Explorer at Qaqortoq, SW Greenland. TODAY'S…
Joe Super and Bill Schmoker sea kayaking in Skoldungensund, Greenland
Joe Super and Bill Schmoker employing a sea kayak to gather water quality data in Skoldungensund, Greenland. TODAY'S JOURNAL: Yesterday I discussed measuring surface temperature vs. longitude as…
East Greenland Current Convergence
Misleading Names: As I mentioned in the previous post, our voyage retraced early Viking pioneers who sailed from Iceland to Greenland (and ultimately to Newfoundland.) Most of my readers will know…
Bill Schmoker, Nanortalik, Greenland
IT'S BEEN A WHILE, I KNOW! So what's been going on with me since my incredible 2010 PolarTREC experience? Well, lots. Teaching is as busy and rewarding as always, all the better now that I have…
Cold Seep Clams
Our Arctic core samples keep turning up great surprises! If you'll recall from a previous journal (August 13, 2010 Piston Coring), we struck gas hydrate in the bottom of one of our cores in the…
Tom sniffing for hydrogen sulfide
Once each core sample was split, a host of descriptions, tests and sampling protocols awaited the mud inside. To keep organized, a sampling plan was mapped out for each core taken in US waters on…
Walk-in Refrigerator with Core Samples
One of the reasons I so enjoyed and appreciated the 2010 International Continental Shelf Survey last summer was because of the wide range of science that was undertaken on the cruise. Every day I…
Core Sample
I'm checked in at the San Francisco Airport waiting to board my plane back home. It has been a very busy, productive week for me with the last four days learning many aspects of sea-floor sediment…
Sea Otter Grooming
This entry is dedicated to the Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) from our cruise: Justin, Sarah, & Kwasi! I'm currently on another PolarTREC journey, this time to California in anticipation of a…
Bill Schmoker in Arctic Ocean
It is with mixed feelings that I report being back on dry land. This morning I caught a helicopter ride off Healy to Barrow, Alaska. I'm very excited to get back home, see my family, and begin to get…
Hoarfrost Crystals on Railing
Speed 13 knots (kts) Course 249° Location Southern Canada Basin, 73.25° N, 149.98° W Depth 3773 meters SPECIAL FEATURE DISCUSSION: (see previous journal for the questions.) The answer to…