
Archived PolarConnect Event: Lisa Seff and her team held a great webinar Friday, 7 September 2012 that explained her experience in Barrow, Alaska and the science project. Feel free to catch the archive in the PolarConnect Archives.

What Are They Doing?

Bowhead whale jawbones on the beach in Barrow, Alaska
Bowhead whale jawbones on the beach in Barrow, Alaska
The research team worked out of Barrow, Alaska at the juxtaposition of two Arctic seas; the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. It is a region frequently traveled by the endangered bowhead whale. This project had its genesis in understanding why the region near Barrow, Alaska is a feeding hotspot for migrating bowhead whales. The whales and their prey will continue to be a focus of the team's interpretations. The research team conducted oceanographic sampling of the physical and biological marine environment in the region over the period 2005-2011 and observed significant inter-annual variability. Long-term studies of the ocean conditions in the Arctic are needed in order to understand how these environments vary inter-annually. The research team will continue to document conditions in the biological-physical ocean ecosystem, through annual boat-based surveys, in order to predict and understand the potential impacts of climate change on the Arctic ecosystem.

¿Quienes son?

Titulo financiado: Observación anual del medio ambiente marino biológico y físico en los mares Chukchi y Beauford en las cercanías de Barrow, AK.

El equipo de investigación viajará por avión a Barrow, una comunidad pequeña de aproximadamente 4,500 habitantes en la costa norte de Alaska. Como permitan las condiciones del tiempo, el equipo se embarcara para la colección de muestras oceanográficas a bordo del buque de investigación Annika Marie de 43 pies. Las actividades de a bordo incluirán colección de agua y plancton y mediciones de conductividad, temperatura, y profundidad. A bordo también tomarán nota sobre las ocurrencias de mamíferos marinos y realizarán el procesamiento preliminar de muestras. Si el clima es malo para navegar en el océano ellos pasarán el tiempo en Barrow catalogando muestras y organizándose para los días que pasaran sobre el agua.

Where Are They?

Bowhead whale jawbones on the beach in Barrow, Alaska
Bowhead whale jawbones on the beach in Barrow, Alaska
The research team traveled by plane to Barrow, a small community of approximately 4,500 people on the north coast of Alaska. As weather permitted, the team embarked on oceanographic sampling trips on board the 50-foot research vessel Ukpik. Activities on board included water and plankton sampling and measurements of conductivity, temperature, and depth. They also noted the occurrences of marine mammals and conducted preliminary sample processing on board. When the weather was too poor for ocean travel they spent time in Barrow cataloguing samples and organizing for future days on the water.

¿Qué están haciendo?

Localidad: : Barrow, Alaska y R/V Annika Marie en los mares Chukchi y Beaufort
Empieza: 1 Agosto 2012
Culmina: 30 Septiembre 2012

El equipo de investigación trabajara desde Barrow AK, en la yuxtaposición de dos mares Árticos: los mares Chukchi y Beaufort. Es una región frecuentemente viajada por la ballena bowhead, una especie en peligro de extinción. El génesis del proyecto es el entender porque la región cercana a Barrow AK es un área central para alimentación de ballenas migratorias bowhead, y las ballenas y sus presas continuaran siendo el enfoque con la interpretación que haga el equipo. El equipo de investigación realizo muestreos oceanográficos del medio ambiente físico y biológico en la región durante el periodo de 2005 al 2011 y observo una variabilidad interanual significante. Estudios de largo plazo de las condiciones oceánicas en el ártico son necesarias para entender como estos medios varían inter-anualmente. El equipo de investigación continuara la documentación de condiciones en el ecosistema biológico-físico oceánico, mediante exploraciones anuales, para poder predecir y entender impactos potenciales climáticos en el ecosistema ártico.

Latest Journals

Join the Polar research team as we use technology to join Dr. Carin Ashjian as she continues her research in the Arctic! We first caught up with her at the end of July onboard the icebreaker U.S.C.G.C. Healy and then followed her onboard the R/V Anika Marie. She and her team members have…
Join the Polar research team as we use technology to join Dr. Carin Ashjian this summer as she continues her research in the Arctic! I will be posting Dr. Ashjians journal details of this summer's research expeditions. We first caught up with her onboard the icebreaker U.S.C.G.C. Healy and are now…
Join the Polar research team as we use technology to join Dr. Carin Ashjian this summer as she continues her research in the Arctic! I will be posting Dr. Ashjians journal details of this summer's research expeditions. We first caught up with her onboard the icebreaker U.S.C.G.C. Healy and are now…
Join the Polar research team as we use technology to join Dr. Carin Ashjian this summer as she continues her research in the Arctic! I will be posting Dr. Ashjians journal details of this summer's research expeditions. We first caught up with her onboard the icebreaker U.S.C.G.C. Healy and are now…
Barrow, Alaska and R/V Ukpik in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
Project Funded Title
Annual Observations of the Biological and Physical Marine Environment in the Chukchi and near-shore Beaufort Seas near Barrow, AK
Lisa Seff - Teacher
Springs School

Lisa has enjoyed teaching at Springs School, located in East Hampton New York, for the past 17 years where she also lives with her husband Gary. Her teaching certifications include biology, earth science, general science and elementary education and she recently earned her National Board Teacher Certification in Early Adolescent Science. In 2012 Lisa became a PolarTREC educator joining Dr. Carin Ashjian, Dr. Robert Campbell and Dr. Steve Okkonen in Barrow Alaska. While there they studied the physical and biological oceanographic conditions of the bowhead whale habitat. This year she's very excited to reconnect the Springs community with the research team on a new and exciting Arctic-based research project in the Beaufort Sea!

Carin Ashjian - Researcher
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Dr. Carin Ashjian studies marine biology and ecology with a special interest in the ecology of zooplankton in the Polar Regions, as these ecosystems may be significantly impacted by climate change. Her studies have taken her to both the Arctic and the Antarctic. For eleven years, she worked near Utqiaġvik/Barrow AK using a research vessel to study how and why this region is a feeding hotspot for bowhead whales during their fall migration from Canada to the Bering Sea. She also has worked from much larger research vessels, the USCGC Healy and the R/V SIkuliaq, to study zooplankton in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. Past research has taken her to the Sea of Japan, the Norwegian Sea, Georges Bank, the Gulf Stream, and the California Current. She is a Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution where she has worked since 1995.

Oceanographic Conditions of Bowhead Whale Habitat Resources


Students create a life size model of a bowhead whale based on information they have collected.


Students will be able to organize specific technical information from a variety of resources to develop a "blue print" or pattern to create a life size model of a bowhead whale.


Introduction to project, student research on whale

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Middle School and Up
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Students complete a physical puzzle based on a scientific poster about Bowhead Whales. Students then research the content of the poster and present their findings.


To familiarize students with: * the scientific method * real polar scientific posters * real polar scientific research * real polar scientific terminology * real polar scientific technology * real polar

Less than 1 period
Middle School and Up
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This lesson was written for a Photography I course, to be taught in a lab with access to either a darkroom or computers/printers. The class has already spent ample time getting used to the basics of photography, learning to use their cameras as a creative tool, just as a painter might use a brush. This lesson could easily

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High school and Up
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In this introductory lesson, students read an article about Arctic Ocean ecosystems and then play a board game in which they take on the role of researchers.


The purpose of this introductory activity is to: * Identify the main components of complex arctic ecosystem and describe predator/prey relationships between phytoplankton, ice algae, zooplankton, bowhead whales, polar

Less than a week
Middle School and Up
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Students are designated as the water or ocean currents, zooplankton, and bowhead whales. The zooplankton are informed that they are at the mercy of the currents. The currents are given instructions as to where to go during different times of the year (map). The whale pod is told that they need to breathe (raise hands above head to indicate

About 1 period
Middle School and Up
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This one hour webinar with PolarTREC teacher Lisa Seff shares ideas and experiences on bringing polar science into your classroom and community. Her work focuses on the oceanographic conditions of bowhead whale habitat.

About 1 period

This one hour webinar is designed for educators as polar professional development. Dr. Okkonen details his work on the project studying bowhead whales and oceanographic conditions in their environment.

About 1 period

This blog documents the process of creating a 25-minute animated film at the University of Alaska Museum of the North that tells the story of bowhead whale annual migration in the Bering, Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. The film takes its basic narrative and title from the 2013 calendar edited by Steve Okkonen, A Year in the Life of Bowhead Whales

Related Program

The life of the bowhead whales calendar is a teaching tool created by Dr. Steve Okkonen and colleagues to portray science and natural history of bowhead whales in a compelling form. The calendar is available as a PDF and in poster PDF forms.

Related Program


In part two of this two-part lesson students work in pairs to explore the effects of temperature on ocean stratification using a simple plastic shoebox-sized container in which they create a mini-ocean environment. Students will apply what they learn in the lab setting along with information gained in several online articles to a basic understanding of the Global Conveyor

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Middle School and Up
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In part one of this two-part lesson students work in pairs to explore the effects of salinity on ocean stratification using a simple plastic shoebox-sized container in which they create a mini-ocean environment. Students will apply what they learn in the lab setting along with information gained in several online articles to a basic understanding of the Global Conveyor

About a week
Middle School and Up
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The team deploys a plankton trawl and other scientific equipment. Dr. Carin Ashjian, Dr. Robert Campbell, Dr. Steve Okkonen, Phil Alatalo.

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PolarTREC expedition: Oceanographic Conditions of the Bowhead Whale Habitat. Dr. Steve Okkonen and educator Lisa Seff arrive in Prudhoe Bay where they meet up with the crew of the R/V Ukpik. They head to Barrow Alaska, deploying a mooring with oceanographic instruments along the way.

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Expedition research team retrives oceanographic mooring and instruments after a year in East Barrow Canyon.

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This one hour live event is hosted by PolarTREC teacher Lisa Seff and her team studying the oceanographic conditions of bowhead whale habitat. The team is stationed in Barrow, Alaska.

About 1 period

A typical day for oceanographers aboard the research vessel Ukpik as it collects data and samples across transect #6 in the Beaufort Sea region.

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This lesson investigates the impact of melting and freezing arctic sea ice on the properties of salinity, temperature and density that contribute to the stratification of ocean waters. This lesson combines several learning approaches including a hands-on lab, a web-quest and collaboration with other students.


1. Students will be able to explain and demonstrate how Arctic

More than a week
High school and Up
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Up next, Dressing for Success in the Polar Regions. It’s February 5th, 2012 and this is Lisa Seff, PolarTREC educator, speaking with you from the Westmark Hotel in Fairbanks Alaska. If there is only one piece of advice for adventurers headed to the Arctic and Antarctic regions it would be: Layers, layers, layers. Today PolarTREC teachers were very excited to

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