After being at Summit on top of the ice sheet in Greenland where snow accumulates at a rate of 60-65 cm per year, I still wanted to see the edge of the ice sheet. The Russell Glacier is about 17 km…
We have a few days in Kangerlussuaq to explore and decided to hike all day around the Lake Ferguson area. Most of the team that worked with the ice cores went trekking for the day. The layers of…
It has been a quick three weeks and now it is time to get ready to leave here. The Hercules LC130 will be here tomorrow to pick up the science cargo, personal gear and those who are leaving camp. …
I have been taking my GPS where ever I go and Summit is no exception. I really do like to see where I am, especially when flying on airplanes. Only once did I have a flight within the US where I…
I have been dressing in multiple layers from head to toe to keep warm. But on Saturday, June 2, the wind was low (not enough to turn the windmill), the sky was almost cloudless, and air pressure was…
CIMS is an acronym for the Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer. Dave Tanner from Georgia Tech knows this instrument inside out. Ambient air enters the system under a controlled flow, taking…
Luke Ziemba graduated with BS in chemistry, working with organic compounds in soil and water. Now, at UNH he measures aerosols in the atmosphere. Aerosols are liquids or solids suspended in gas.…
Camp varies in the number of people who are here. Right now we are a group of 37 but that could swell with the next plane coming in. The cooks certainly need to plan and need to order food way in…
Bonnie Reichardt, a undergraduate student from Georgia Tech, collects data on nitrogen oxides at Summit. Her work includes taking samples from a homemade Nitrogen Oxide (NO) sampler complete with…
Jochen Stutz, a professor at UCLA, has brought his telescope to Summit to analyze gases. In a simplistic way it first looks like a Newtonian telescope with a primary mirror at the end and a…
Katrine Gorham, a graduate student from University of California at Irvine, has a busy day today. The winds are blowing approx 20 kts this morning (9 m/s) and her snow chamber experiment is set up…
Katrine Gorham, a graduate student at UC Irvine, is at Summit, Greenland for six weeks conducting air sampling from a height of 1.5 meters above the surface. She samples the air every four hours (6…