One of the many things that I have learned in this field season is that field researchers live a different daily rhythm than the daily grind we experience. Field researchers are very organized,…
We arrived at the KISS building (Kangerlussuaq International Science Support) on August 19th and needed to layover until August 22nd to catch the last south bound flight on the C-130.
The LC-130:…
I am not sure how much sleep any of us got last night. Today, we pulled out of base camp 2 and field season came to an end. We needed to meet at 7 am with bags packed; not a problem for me, I think…
With only 2 days left to field season, we needed to make the best of every opportunity. We came to breakfast with daypacks ready to go, had a bite of food and some coffee and away we went in search…
Today was our last day to get a sediment core from Lil' Nug Base Camp. We had attempted to core from three lakes near the camp. The core results were less than what we were hoping for (a lot of…
Today, part of the team went hiking to another part of the ice cap, while I stayed at Base Camp 2 and completed some work. SOLITUDE... for the first time, I am completely alone in this vast…
Our day began a bit late, but we had an amazing science day. The chopper was not able to actually pick us up until 2 p.m. so we made the most of the time we had.
Chopper arriving to relocate us…
Our two base camps could be considered polar opposites. Camp 1 sat upon a moraine that was part of a long moraine valley. The camp sat along the high bank of a glacial lake. You could see…
When we woke this morning, we were greeted with beautiful skies. Time to do a full day glacial hike to obtain vegetation and rock samples.
Lil' Nug Base camp 2
Being the klutz of the…
The weather had socked us into camp yesterday -- pouring rain and almost zero visibility for over 24 hours. Fortunately, the rain let up today, allowing us to take one more sediment core from…
Greenland is considered the world's largest island with more than 822,706 square miles of rugged landscape. Comparably, it is about one third the size of Australia. It is a jagged, mountainous,…
Today we spent our day hiking 8 miles on Moraine Hellgate Highway. Don't let the name fool you - at no point were we on paved road and less that one percent was actually flat.
Looking back…