Today was kind of a bittersweet day. All of our sampling is done and today we had to pack everything up. It is great to be done and everyone is excited to go home, but the Dry Valleys are an amazing place and I will definitely be sad to go.

    A Room With a View
    I am going to miss crawling out of my tent and seeing this beautiful view of the Taylor Glacier every morning.

    Yesterday the five of us moved and boxed up over 1200 lbs of ice and the helicopters came and picked it up. We were all pretty sore, but we still needed to go up to the tunnel site today and pack up the rest of the ice. We saved all of the big pieces and the ice cores for last. That was some heavy ice. Some of those pieces had to weigh at least 100 lbs. I am pretty sure that I am getting some big muscles. Between chainsawing, shoveling, carrying ice blocks, hiking up and down hills, and lifting and carrying lots of other things, I am going to be buff. It is totally worth all of the hard work, this experience has been amazing.

    Don't Drop Those Blocks!
    Scott is carefully lowering down the blocks to Brent. Those samples are what we came here for and it would be pretty bad if they broke.

    That's a Heavy Box
    Some of the ice blocks were so big that they required two people to carry them out of the tunnel.

    Besides all of the ice, we also had a lot of other supplies that needed to be packed up from the tunnel site. We had to carry chainsaws, blades, boxes, chaps, helmets, packaging materials, ice breaking tools, etc... In all, we carried about 700lbs of gear up the hill and packaged it up to be slung by helicopter back to McMurdo. The helicopters are so much fun to watch. They swoop in, land anywhere, and then effortlessly carry away hundreds of pounds of gear. Being a helicopter pilot in Antarctica would be an amazing job.

    Catch It!
    Oh no! The bubble wrap is trying to make an escape in the high winds.

    I Caught It!
    After chasing down the bubble wrap I am not going to let it out of my sight

    Happy Ice
    The ice blocks were carefully wrapped in bubble wrap so that they would survive the trip home.

    All Packed Up
    The ice blocks are all packed up and ready to be slung back to McMurdo.

    Packing the Tri-Walls
    Tim is inside the tri-wall packing all the gear to be shipped back to McMurdo.

    Ready to Go
    The helo landed and is ready to take our ice back to McMurdo.

    Video of a Helo Picking Up a Load of Gear


    Video of Scott Attaching the Sling Load to the Helo


    Weather Summary
    another beautiful day
    Wind Speed
    Wind Chill
