Wrapping up my time in the Arctic
Today is my last full day at Toolik. Byron, Hannah and Sarah completed day 2 of the bacterial lakes survey, bringing our sampling total up to 115 samples collected during my time at Toolik! I stayed behind and helped filter for different water chemistry tests when they came back to camp at lunch and in the afternoon. I also attended a Talking Shop talk (a regular Tuesday evening Toolik event) where two filmmakers from the BBC who are up here filming some footage for a future show about Alaska discussed their experiences in wildlife film making. It was quite interesting, and we should all keep our eyes out for a BBC series that will air sometime in 2015- there will be lots of cute arctic ground squirrel pups potentially shown!
It's hard to believe that tomorrow morning we'll be heading back down the Dalton to Fairbanks. I will have a day in Fairbanks, and then my husband will be joining me for some travel and exploration of some of the coastal regions of Alaska. I will post more updates as I am able as well as try to wrap up this experience overall and bring it home to why it matters to each one of us.
Species Journals
No new species sightings today.