My flight home was stupendous as the skies were clear and the flight path flew over spectacular landscapes. Window seats on flights are essential.

    Flight home photo collage
    Flight Home Collage; 1. Selfie leaving Barrow airport; 2. Brooks Range; 3-5. South of Brooks Range; 6-8. Denali National Park mountains and glaciers; 9. Cook Inlet near Anchorage; all photos by Sarah Johnson

    GLOBE Observer Report Out

    I collected numerous Clouds and Land Cover GLOBE Observer observations while in Uqiagvik. I see that a few of you also joined my GLOBE Observer Team totalling over 60 observation points. I mentioned in my original journal about this, that there would be prizes for participants. I have received prizes (stickers and things) in the mail from NASA to send to the lead observers. Take a screenshot of your observation numbers on your smartphone and email the screenshot along with your mailing address to sjohnson [at] by Wednesday, April 13 and I'll send you a prize.

    GLOBE Observer WIld Rose Arctic Team
    NASA GLOBE Observer WIld Rose Arctic Team from

    Stay in Touch With Me Via Wild Rose Education

    I will continue to share my Arctic works and local Colorado events on my Wild Rose Education Arctic page. Be sure to follow Wild Rose Education in addition to these PolarTREC Journals.

    Stay Engaged with Future IABP Projects and Expeditions
