The same, but different...

    I made it back to McMurdo today AS SCHEDULED! Hooray! One flight down, only three more to go to get back to California. I stepped off the plane and was immediately drawn to the mountains-- depth, structure, contrast. My infinite white is gone. It's bittersweet.

    The plane that took me from my South Pole home
    The plane that took me from my South Pole home
    I'll be in McMurdo for at least one more full day and with the same luck, I'll board a plane on the 28th (AS SCHEDULED) back to Christchurch, New Zealand. I feel like I was just here. Has it really been over three weeks since I left for the South Pole?! Everything in McMurdo is the same, except for the sea ice. As we get further into the austral summer, it's starting to melt, which means more seals, which also means...penguins!
    Melting Ross Ice Shelf along McMurdo
    Melting Ross Ice Shelf along McMurdo
    I am officially on the hunt. Tomorrow I will be hiking around McMurdo station hoping to see my very first Antarctic penguin.

    Oh! I almost forgot to mention the weather. It is about 30 degrees F and I swear I have never felt warmer! I'm also finally at sea level again so I'm nearly skipping around everywhere with all the extra oxygen.

    Me with more oxygen at sea-level
    Me with more oxygen at sea-level
    But, yes, I do miss the South Pole. I miss it so much already. But for now, I'm focused on penguins!
    Talk soon, friends.

    Lo mismo pero diferente...

    Hoy llegué a McMurdo como estaba programado. ¡Hurra! Un vuelo hacia abajo, solo quedan tres más para regresar a California. Bajé del avión e inmediatamente me sentí atraída a las montañas: profundidad, estructura, contraste. Mi blanco infinito se ha ido.

    The plane that took me from my South Pole home
    The plane that took me from my South Pole home
    Estaré en McMurdo durante al menos un día más y con la misma suerte, abordaré un avión el día 28 (según lo programado) de regreso a Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda. Siento que apenas estuve en McMurdo. ¿Realmente han pasado más de tres semanas desde que me fui al Polo Sur? Todo en McMurdo es igual, excepto el hielo marino. A medida que avanzamos en el verano austral, comienza a derretirse, lo que significa más focas, lo que también significa ... ¡pingüinos!
    Melting Ross Ice Shelf along McMurdo
    Melting Ross Ice Shelf along McMurdo
    Estoy oficialmente a la caza. Mañana caminaré por la estación de McMurdo con la esperanza de ver mi primer pingüino antártico.

    Oh! Casi se me olvida mencionar el clima. Hace aproximadamente 30 grados F y juro que nunca me he sentido más cálido. Finalmente estoy nuevamente al nivel del mar, así que casi estoy saltando por todas partes con todo el oxígeno extra.

    Me with more oxygen at sea-level
    Me with more oxygen at sea-level
    Pero sí, extraño el Polo Sur. Ya lo extraño mucho. Pero por ahora, ¡estoy centrada en los pingüinos!
    Hablamos pronto, amigos.

    McMurdo Station, Antarctica
    Weather Summary
    warm and sunny
    30 degrees F
    Wind Chill
    20 degrees F



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