Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/26/2012 - 17:26

Mrs. Rath's 3rd grade class from Bartlett Elementary votes: First pick - #302 Second pick - #307 Third pick - #303 We've been following your journal each day, and it is so exciting! I know that there are a number of Antarctic cruises visiting there every summer. Have you seen any of those vacationers yet? Since they are not scientists and cannot handle the animals, what kind of activities are they allowed to do? Mrs. Rath

Alex Eilers

Greetings Mrs. Rath and the Bartlett Elementary 3rd graders!Thank you for your votes and for following my journal - I hope you are enjoying them.
There are a number of cruises that go to Antarctica during the 'Antarctic summer'. Many go to the Antarctica Peninsula and some go to McMurdo Sound. I have not seen and tourists because McMurdo Station is not a stopping point for cruise ships.
Thanks again for your questions and keep then coming!
Ms. Alex