Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/20/2010 - 14:27

Hi Karl.

Thanks for sharing the true frustrations of being a PT teacher :) I'm glad you confessed that you..."should have figured this all out weeks ago." :) I wish we could have worked with you more on this while in town but here's hoping that something good happens with the technology while in the field! Have a safe trip to Red Dog and beyond! Be sure to call in journals if you can't send them by email!

Cheers, Janet

Karl Horeis

Thanks for the good wishes Janet. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything - despite the frustrations. Heck, the archaeologists have been up on the bluff, digging in the rain all morning. I'm the lucky one down in the tent working on tech stuff. Looks like email is working reliably now (hurray!) but I'm still talking with the SRI guys on the phone to get pictures to go through. I think I'll take a break from this to go have a look at the site. Hope you guys are well, and YES - I definitely should have practiced this all from the comfort home where help is in easy reach! I hope other PolarTREC teachers can learn from my mistake.Karl