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    Lung flags
    This journal it brought to you by:

    • Ed Rice Community Center in Memphis, TN

    Crosswind Elementary Students:

    • Diya Anna Matthew in 5th grade
    • Campbell Nystrom in 5th grade

    A Weddell Seal’s Lungs

    Like humans, Weddell seals are mammals. One important characteristic of mammals is breathing air. And, you need to have lungs to do that. But how do their lungs work?

    Seal breathing
    See this seal coming up for a breath? Let’s find out where the air goes inside its body! Photo credit: Alex Eilers.

    How do lungs work?

    Let’s take human lungs as an example. Humans inhale air, which contains oxygen, through their nose or mouth. That air fills their lungs, which are made of a material that can easily expand and contract. The oxygen then diffuses (spreads/moves) from the air in the lungs to the blood. There, it is stored by a protein called hemoglobin and circulated through the body. All cells in your body need oxygen, and it’s the job of hemoglobin to make sure they get it. Your cells take the oxygen, use it up and make carbon dioxide as waste. The carbon dioxide is then carried by the blood to the lungs. The lungs then get rid of this carbon dioxide by exhaling.

    Pretty cool, right?

    What’s different about Weddell lungs?

    If you pressed on your chest, would your chest cavity get smaller? Go ahead, try it! Didn’t move, right? And that’s a good thing! Your ribs are very strong and rigid and are there to protect your lungs and other internal organs. Unlike us, Weddell seals have very flexible chest cavities, so flexible that they can actually make their chest cavities smaller! Why do you think they would need to do this?

    Any guesses?

    Weddell seal thinking
    What do you think? Credit: Amy Kirkham

    How does this work?

    It’s because of water pressure. The further you go under water, the greater the water pressure. Have you ever gone down to the deep end of a pool? How did you feel? Your ears might have popped, or your head might have started to hurt. The water pressure was pushing on your air spaces (like your sinuses) and causing them to contract, which can be painful. Humans are definitely not designed to be deep divers! But Weddell seals are, and here’s how they do it!

    As a seal dives and the pressure of the water increases, the seal can collapse its chest cavity and parts of their lungs to counteract the pressure. They also don’t have any of the extra air spaces that humans have, so their ears won’t pop and their head won’t hurt.

    Seal lung
    Diagram of a seal’s lung: both the alveolar sac and the lobule collapse when the seal dives.
    Credit: Kooyman GL (1973) Respiratory adaptations in marine animals. American Zoologist 13: 457–468.

    At the base of Weddell seal lungs are tiny little air sacs called alveoli. This is the area of the lung that collapses. But don’t worry, it won’t stay collapsed forever. After a dive, seals will cough up a white, soapy substance. I saw one do it and I thought she had a cold! Actually, this substance is called surfactant, and it coats the alveoli in the lungs. By coughing it up, the seals are helping to re-inflate their lungs after a dive.

    Did you know, we have surfactant too, seals just have much more that we do.

    Seal with surfactant
    Do you see the foamy surfactant around this seal’s mouth? Photo credit: Dr. Jennifer Burns lab.

    Weddell seals are unique. When they are about to dive, they exhale most of the air out of their lungs. What do you do before you jump in a pool? You probably take a big breath and hold it. Weddell seals do the opposite! This will help them collapse their chest cavity more quickly. It also helps them dive deeper. Air floats, so exhaling as much as possible will allow them to dive deeper and more quickly.

    How long can Weddell seals stay underwater?

    How long can you hold your breath? Go ahead and try it… I’ll wait!

    How long can you hold your breath? Photo credit: Amy Kirkham.

    If you were like me, probably not very long! I make it about 46 seconds before I start gasping for air! How about 96 minutes? That’s the longest Weddell seal dive ever recorded. A typical dive for a Weddell, however, is about 20 minutes. That’s still a really long time! Longer dives are generally to escape predators or to explore new territory.

    Diving deeper: gases, air pressure, and Boyle’s Law

    Let’s talk a little bit more about the collapsing of Weddell seal lungs. We know that these seals exhale a lot of air before they dive, but they don’t exhale all of the air in their lungs. When the lungs collapse, where does the air inside of them go?

    The air doesn’t just disappear! One of the things that make gases so cool is that they can take the shape of whatever container they are in. As the seal dives, water pressure increases. It’s this increased pressure that decreases the volume of air in the lungs. So, to prevent a mismatch in pressure, both inside and surrounding the seal, the seals chest cavity changes or compresses in response to the increased pressure.

    Remarkable, isn’t it!

    Air itself, however, doesn’t get ‘smaller.’ The molecules stay the same size; they just don’t have as much space to move around. With this decrease in space, the air molecules start to bump into each other more. This causes an increase in air pressure inside the lungs. There’s a rule in science that says if you have a certain volume of gas and you decrease the amount of space it can take up without changing the temperature - the pressure increases. That’s Boyle’s Law.

    Boyles law
    As pressure increases, volume decreases! Credit: Pearson Education, Inc.

    In the equation, ‘P’ stands for pressure and ‘V’ stands for volume.

    Boyle’s Law applies to seal lungs, your lungs, balloons, car tires, or anything that involves gas changing volume or pressure. See where you notice Boyle’s Law in action today!


    Daniel Karnes

    Do you have to tranquilize the seal to get close enough to take all the measurements, or can you just walk up to them?

    Alex Eilers

    Wonderful question!
    We do need to sedate the seals but I am surprised at how 'easy' it is to work with these animals. Weddell seals don't have any land based predators, so we often walk into the colonies with merely a passing glance from the animals.

    Does that surprise you?

    Thank you for your question!

    Ms. Alex


    Taylor Lantrip

    why do Weddell seals have different colors?

    Alex Eilers

    Thank you for your question Taylor,
    We've had a healthy discussing about your question and apparently there's research being done on this topic.

    Many animals have a form of camouflage known as counter shading. A shark for example, blends into its surroundings when viewed from above and below, as a shark is darker on its top side and lighter on its underside.

    Weddell seals are often seen with a slightly a mottled or spotted pattern on their lateral side. Some scientist suggest that this may resemble/match the light reflecting from the surface waters.

    It all sounds very interesting, doesn't it? Science is always opening our eye and minds to something new.

    Ms. Alex
