The Power of Water
I visited GlacierA mass of ice that persists for many years and notably deforms and flows under the influence of gravity. Canyon when I was staying in Grindelwald, Switzerland. This site is a spectacular tourist location and I had grand plans on finishing a video walking tour through the canyon days ago. Well time has flown by since I met up with the entire Sliding Glaciers science team, and I just now had time to put the finishing touches on the video.
Pictures are not enough to show how amazing this canyon is, so enjoy this walking video tour through the canyon.
PolarTREC Poppy
Not much free time around here. Time not spent in the field or sleeping is spent writing journals, etc. Here Poppy looks over my most recent journal for me.
Daily Haiku
Write, hike, eat then sleep
PolarTREC days are busy
Wake up and repeat