The Lang GlacierA mass of ice that persists for many years and notably deforms and flows under the influence of gravity. and Forefield

    Coming on the heels of the hike to Wildhorn, this could be called an easy day. But come on, this is the Swiss Alps. It is all hard to some degree. The hike was definitely not as steep, but my leg muscles let me know they were not happy with me once we started upslope. Despite my best efforts, I was still the last one up the path. Dr. Neal Iverson, one of the scientists in charge of this project, has been taking pictures of me at each location as I hobble the last couple of feet. I am going to name this photograph series “Lauren is the last one up the mountain,” and I will be sure to share them with you once I get copies.

    Anyway, the Lang GlacierA mass of ice that persists for many years and notably deforms and flows under the influence of gravity. and forefield were stunning and it was by far my favorite location to date. I find words cannot do it justice, so here is a video of the some of the sites and sounds I saw in the field today.

    Hike Stats

    Steps: 19,578
    Distance Traveled: 8.7 miles
    Flights Climbed: 80 floors
    Ascent: ~1,700 feet

    PolarTREC Poppy

    After two grueling days in the field, even PolarTREC Poppy needed a little time to sit and relax.

    Poppy relax
    The days in the field are long and tough. We all take what time we can to relax back at the house, even PolarTREC Poppy.

    GlacierA mass of ice that persists for many years and notably deforms and flows under the influence of gravity. Flags

    Today's flag was put together by Cub Scout Pack 132. I hope I can meet up with this group of kids in the fall so we can talk about glaciers together!

    Cub Scout Flag
    Glacier Flag made by Cub Scout Pack 132 from East Brunswick, NJ.

    Daily Haiku

    How far you have come
    when seventeen hundred feet
    is an easy hike

    Lang Glacier
