Daily Journal
Ready to Fly
After the drone finished surveying our test site, we powered her up one more time so all of us could get a chance to see what it is like to fly it. I won’t lie; I was more than a little afraid that I would immediately crash it and turn our very sleek and expensive drone into a fiery ball of warped plastic and wires. Luckily this model is equipped with some failsafe measures that prevent it from flying full speed into stationary objects. This also allows the drone to stay in a stationary flying position if you take your hands off the controls.
Despite my perfect record of crashing every car or vehicle I have tried to pilot in any video game, I cautiously took hold of the very “video game-like” controls to give it a try.
No one crashed the drone, but we did get some cool footage of the park!
Haiku of the Day
Swooping and diving
to capture views from above
Mighty tiny drone