Daily Journal

    Late June marks the end of the school year in New Jersey, so I embarked on a whirlwind tour in mid-June to visit several local elementary, middle, and high schools. Over the course of 5 days, I was able to speak to almost 500 students, teachers, and administrators about the PolarTREC program and introduce them to the basics of polar science, the Arctic, and Antarctica. The amount of thoughtful questions and enthusiasm towards learning about the Polar Regions was overwhelming. But in a good way!

    PolarTREC school visits
    PolarTREC teacher Lauren Neitzke Adamo presenting to elementary students about the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

    I had so much fun speaking to all the different groups, and I can’t wait to go back to some of these schools in the fall to discuss the results of our fieldwork in Switzerland.

    So be sure to check out all the fun by clicking on the video below.

    More Pictures

    If I came to your school and you didn’t see your picture, don’t worry. Check out these links to view the full gallery of photographs!

    Crossroads South Middle School

    Greenbrook Elementary

    Memorial Elementary

    Allentown High School

    Haiku of the Day

    Arctic outreach fun
    Teaching importance of poles
    New understandings



    Judy Fahnestock

    Wow! That was a lot of students you touched base with. It will be interesting to follow up with them once you return from Switzerland. Great video Lauren!

    Wendi Pillars

    I love how the students are helping the teacher don the gear at the end!This looked like a lot of fun--way to be an ambassador for the poles, Lauren!