Today begins with the nerve racking weather monitoring as the team tries to plan for their longest trip in the field. It is a long trip anyway, but adverse weather can make it significantly longer. They have been watching the wind direction and anticipating wind shifts over the next 15-20 hours. The morning started with overcast skies, cool temps and winds out of the east. True story; in the time it took me to walk to the school and talk briefly with a couple of teachers (15-25 minutes) a DENSE fog settled over Kaktovik. That fast! Now, I suppose that they have another set of possibilities to consider, very low visibilities. I'll keep you posted!
thanks for listening, jill.
As it turned out the team, consisting of Carrie Harris, Dr. Ken Dunton and the brothers Dunton as captain and co-captain made it out into the field in the afternoon. The weather continued to flip and flop all day long. In the first photo, the captains enjoy a grilled cheese as a pre-field meal while Stephanie hydrates the Techni-Ice.