With each new step in our planning process, everything gets a little more real. We've known for a while that we'd be leaving on October 21. We've been planning for it! But... we didn't have our plane tickets until yesterday. NOW, things are REAL! I leave in less than a week!

    For those of you who didn't know, I have been down to Antarctica once before back in 2014. I can't believe that I am fortunate enough to get to go again. I am with a different team of scientists now, but the focus of both teams is the microbes that live in the ice-covered lakes of the Dry Valleys.


    • We were at Lake Joyce - a smaller lake that has no permanent structures of any kind.
    • It was much more isolated.
    • Our focus was the microbes that live in mats on the lake floor, forming weird and wonderful structures as they grow and develop.
    • Our research questions were tied to astrobiology: what can we learn about early life on earth from the mats? How might the mats be similar to what we might find in MartianPertaining to or like the planet Mars. fossils?
    • We were there for 6 weeks, camping out.


    • Still with the microbes, but this time, my team is more interested in the microbes that live in the water column (the layers of water between ice and lake bottom): how do they get nutrients, share materials and survive in such a harsh environment?
    • We'll be at two different Dry Valley lakes - Lake Bonney and Lake Fryxell - both much larger than Lake Joyce.
    • Our two lakes will have a couple modest buildings each but we will still camp out.
    • We might actually have internet! However, our internet is not anything like your internet at home.

    A typical Dry Valley view
    A typical Dry Valley View by Faith, an 8th grader.


    Auburn, CA


    Adriel Guadamuz

    It's great that we can know what you are doing while in Antarctica, and that you actually have Internet. I wonder, what will you use to study the microbes in the water columns, and how hard do you think it will be to find your answers for what you want to know about them?

    Riley McConnell

    I hope you have a great time there! It's so cool that my science teacher is going to Antarctica, not once, but twice!

    Ashley H // 1

    Wow. Sounds like your in for a real treat. I wish you the best of luck! I think it's really cool how you may have internet as well.

    Gabe Mendez

    Have fun Antarctica, so cool

    alexis trykar …

    That's so interesting that you are able to experience and learn about all these new things.

    Cristian Per.1

    Wow, that's pretty amazing how you get to go all the way to antarctica to learn about the types of life living there, I wonder what you'll find.

    Sophie P1

    I can't imagine how excited you are to go to Antarctica! It sounds like a super fun place to visit. It's cool you may have internet too! Usually, when people think of Antarctica they usually think there would be no internet. I hope you have fun and discover new things!

    Madelyn Murdoc…

    That sounds like it is going to be an amazing experience and I am so excited to hear more about it! It's amazing that you actually get to go there to see these microbial structures in person and you get to study them up close. I wonder how deep you have to go into the lakes to find these microbial mats.

    maya tillman

    I am so excited to hear all about it when you get back, those microbes better watch out

    DJ Catalano Period

    I think it's really cool that you are now going to even better and bigger lakes so you can find even more scientific facts about these microbes and how they live. Also, I wonder what materials you use and where in the lake these microbes are. Finally, what is the process you go through to see how they live and study them?

    Ashtyn V P:1

    I am so excited for you Mrs. Coleman! Going on this trip must be so exhilarating. I hope that you have an awesome time on your journey through Antarctica. I can't wait for you to tell us all about what you learned/found out about all that you are studying.

    Joselle Cabutotan 1

    I think it's very exciting that we get to learn about your trip as you are on it, thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn about Antarctica from someone who got to experience being there first hand!

    Dylan Period 1

    I am really surprised you have internet. that you're gonna go to two different places and find out what they're to find and see and study the microbes underwater. So my question is does that mean you guys are gonna go scuba diving to find them.

    Gabriel Muqatash

    It's awesome how we know what you are doing in Antarctica. It is very crazy how you guys have internet in Antarctica I thought Antarctica had no service at all!

    Lorielle Cleto

    I hope we can learn more about your journey and all the things you've been researching in class. Have a safe trip to Antarctica!

    ashton davis per 1

    It's great that we can know what you are doing while in Antarctica, and that you actually have Internet. I wonder, what will you be studying penguins, and how hard do you think it will be to find your answers for what you want to know about them

    Coco Derby

    That sounds really cool and fun I hope you have a great time on your trip and find the answers to your questions

    Elisabeth Period: 1

    I am so glad you were able to go to Antarctica again. I hope you have fun and discover something amazing with the microbes. I hope you have the internet so that you can communicate with us. I hope you have a safe trip there and that you stay warm.

    Layla Rose Diaz 1

    That sounds cool, Hope you have fun and are safe!

    Lucy S.

    I think it is amazing what you are trying to discover in Antarctica and that you might have the internet as well. I wonder what you will learn while in Antarctica about microbes.

    Mia Melendrez …

    Hello, I like that you are really excited to go to Antarctica, it is so cool that you went back to Antarctica back in 2014! Its interesting how it has changed over time and how you guys still study the microbes that live under the ice that forms structures. I hope you have a good time in the Dry Valleys!

    Madison - Period 1

    It's interesting how microbes can be used to explore different areas of science! Astrobiology is a really cool topic to investigate about and the idea of investigating microbes to compare to life on other planets is interesting. I wonder, where is Lake Joyce and the other lakes you'll be visiting? How will you answer the questions your team is investigating?

    DJ Catalano Period 1

    I think its really cool how you have bigger lakes to study at. Also, I wonder how you study these microbes like what materials? Finally, how long does it take for you study how each few little microbe live.


    Its cool that we can see what u are doing while your in there how cold it will be in there and what new stuff or fossils u will see,i wonder how many layers of cloth u need to not be cold.

    Kayden Y.

    I didn't know that you would have internet all the way in Antarctica but that is really cool and it is also nice that we get to deviate from the regular planned science program and learn more about other things like Antarctica.

    Dylan.C period 2

    Wow. You have already been there once, and you're going again that's so crazy. How many people get to go on this trip?

    Faith C p2

    I think you will have an amazing time studying the microbes. I'm excited to go through the journey with you through google meets. Have fun!!!

    Olivia - Period 2

    This is so cool, I'm so excited to learn about your trip to Antarctica. Have fun and stay safe!

    Mason Period 2

    Wow sound like so much fun and learning! I can't believe the adventures you must get to go on during your trip.

    Carson P2

    This is so cool to now my science teacher is going to Antarctica and not one time but two times.

    Kayla Period 2

    I think that it's cool that you get to explore Lake Bonney and Lake Fryxell this time instead of Lake Joyce because there will probably be more to discover. Also, how tiny are the microbes?

    Alyssa period:2

    That's so fun! Have a great trip!


    That's so cool that you get to go to Antarctica again after so many years! I hope you discover even more amazing things about microbes for us to learn about.

    Braely H

    That is so exciting! I can tell that you are very happy to go and it is so cool that we get to hear about it from you directly. You are so lucky that you get to experience this again and its gonna be even better this time!! I wish you the best of luck and I cant wait to hear about your journey to Antarctica!

    Maddie. M P.2

    I am so excited to hear all about your trip and learn about the microbes and their environment and living style! I hope that you find out about all of your questions about the microbes!! I can't believe that there is internet there that is crazy! I thought there would be no internet at the bottom of the earth.

    Lily Period 1

    Wow that sounds amazing how are you going to study the microbes seeing as you can't bring certain tools (things like a microscope etc) under the water?

    Lana Period 2

    It is so cool how you get to go to Antarctica and study these microbes. Are you going to be comparing the microbes that are there now to the microbes you studied back in 2014?

    Layla Seegel

    Congratulations, on your trip, I can't wait to hear all about your trip.

    Beckett. E

    That's so fascinating Ms. Coleman! I wish you with the best of luck on your trip, and hope you have lots of fun studying the microbes!

    Parker W. Period 2

    I think it is really cool that you get to investigate a new place in Antarctica and with a new team. Good luck and have fun!

    Olivia H p2

    I think it's super cool how you get to go to Antarctica for the second time! I find it super fascinating!

    Heidi - Period 2

    It's so interesting that you are able to go to Antarctica for a second time! I kind of wonder how you will study the microbes under the lakes there, and how will there be internet there? I hope you have a safe flight!

    Sabella Clearwater

    I think it is so cool that you get to go to Antarctica twice! It seems like a once in a lifetime experience. I am looking forward to hearing updates about your trip and am excited to hear about everything once you get back.

    Riley Conway P…

    This trip seems very exciting to go to. Hopefully it will be fun, and you will be able to explore and study microbes. I'm wondering, how will you survive for so long in Antarctica. How will you get food, and be able to do daily activities in a tent?

    Presley H Period 2

    Its amazing that you get to experience this trip again and that we can communicate with you. I wish you the best of luck on your trip!

    Preston W

    am really surprised you have internet. that you're gonna go to two different places and find out what they're to find and see and study the microbes underwater.

    Logan B

    That's Awesome! Have a safe trip.


    Is there going to be a lot of wind.

    Gabriel Salazar

    Its cool that you get to go to new lakes and see what is different from Lake Joyce.