I have been preparing for Monday's PolarConnect session and reflecting on the past several weeks. So many really exciting things have happened that it almost became routine to be amazed, and I know it will take me a while to process all that I have seen and experienced. The complexity of the Arctic is difficult to comprehend, and sometimes seems like a barren land until one begins to look more closely.
The scenery continues to change as we have moved through the Bering Strait and travel southward. It was beautifully sunny this morning when we passed the Diomedes, and before that was the Russian mainland. Although I loved the ice, land is also a pretty good sight.
The crew of the Healy were practicing small boat operations this morning. It takes a great deal of skill to launch the boat and then return to the Healy. I am always impressed with the skill shown by the crew in things like this.
You don't want to miss the opportunity to hear about the expedition and ask the scientists questions. Join the scientists and me on August 8th at 2 PM ADT (6 PM EDT) for PolarConnect. The event is free, but registration is required. For more information or registration, go to: https://www.polartrec.com/polar-connect/register
Question and Answer
Question: What has been your favorite part of the Chukchi Borderlands Expedition?
Answer To Mystery Photo: Michelle is absolutely correct. There is no ice in the photo!