Today is our last day at sea. We are scheduled to arrive at Dutch Harbor tomorrow morning at 09:00, and I am a bit sad. After 27 days I feel a part of a new family and do not think I can ever thank the scientists or the crew of the HEALY enough for the amazing experience they have provided.

    The packing has begun
    David has many boxes all getting ready for the trip back to Seattle in ...October

    I have learned science about the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf, I have learned dynamics about the U.S. Coast Guard. The science leaves me wanting more, to delve a bit deeper into this amazing ecosystem that I know so little. The Coast Guard makes me want to talk to students, to let them know about the remarkable career options they could have, and the benefits of such an exciting job.

    BMC Chief Gray trying something new!
    With a scientific tool for filtering water Chief Gray and I had some photographic fun!

    Everyone works hard to get the research of science accomplished on a cruise like this, but it is important to also have time for play, and to laugh. I have laughed a lot this month, laughed at three in the morning when I grabbed a stinging jelly fish, laughed at eleven at night when I lost in a game of cribbage, I especially laughed when we played a five person round of running ping pong, that also involved spinning. I almost threw up with that one, but the laughter was the most prevalent action.

    MST1 Rich Layman working hard!
    Rich is working hard handling the crane to move the now empty MOCNESS, but he too has a great sense of humor!

    Good Bye MOCNESS
    As the crane swings the MOCNESS to its resting point for the enxt three months we watch and say farewell!

    Thank you Alexei!
    The nets have been removed and now the MOCNESS is ready for a rest, I am too.

    Photo of the day:

    And thus we say good night.
    Day is done, and as the sun sets I have fond memories of the past, and great expectations for the future!

    **Quote of the Day: ** Never look back, use the knowledge you have gained to move forward. Never question decisions you have made, learn from them even if the lessons were hard.

    And never forget, for it is the life that we live that gives meaning to our lives! ~Jillian Worssam

    Steaming towards Dutch Harbor
    Weather Summary
    Sunny and glorious, calm seas.
    Wind Speed
