We have finished as much science as we can here at Lake Bonney and have been packing up our camp to fly to Lake Fryxell tomorrow. We drilled 6 holes in the ice and took samples from each. This isn't as many as we had hoped, but it has also been colder than we anticipated and that slowed us down quite a bit.

    It has warmed up here! Its 29°F outside right now! A heat wave! Hopefully this will make our work at Lake Fryxell a little easier...?

    Here's a video of some bits from Lake Bonney that you might find curious:

    Lake Bonney
    Weather Summary
    Hazy and windy
    Wind Chill


    Nancy H

    Safe travels to Lake Fryxell and good riddance to old salad dressing and rock hard newtons (or do they have to come along with you?)!

    Julie Buck

    Thank you for all the tours, Lucy! I have a much better idea of your life WAY down under now....

    Rachel K

    Hilarious! This group of people look like they have been camping out in the serious cold for awhile.
    I'd toss the ranch, that's way old!
    Hang in there folks, you're doing a great job!

    Sophie P1

    And I think 60 degrees is freezing.....

    Lily Q

    I don't think Beaker likes the ranch either. 😂