Armando is an astronomy educator leading two comprehensive university extension programs. His experience comprises all academic levels, from tertiary to primary, along with continuing education and teacher training. Being passionate about what he does has been the key to his success, which has been well documented through feedback by employers and audiences alike.
Career milestones
- PolarTREC participant (2015) who traveled to the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station to conduct two weeks of maintenance and support work at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
- Recipient of the Antarctica Service Medal of the United States of America (2015) from the National Science Foundation (NSF), a federal agency of the United States.
- Former president at the Puerto Rico Astronomy Society (PRAS), strategic advisor, editor-in-chief, and NASA Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium affiliate representative for PRAS.
- Member (2003–2006) of the NASA / JPL Solar System Ambassadors Program, a public outreach initiative designed to work with motivated volunteers across the United States.
Academic experience (current and past)
- Instructor of astronomy @ University of Puerto Rico–Aguadilla.
- Instructor of astronomy @ Ana G. Méndez University System / Metropolitan University.
- Upward Bound summer instructor @ University of Wisconsin–River Falls.
- Specialist teacher of astronomy @ G Works (for the Puerto Rico Department of Education).
- Lecturer of astronomy and mathematics @ Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico.
- Teacher of computer science @ Academia del Perpetuo Socorro.
Armando constituye la figura clave en dos programas educativos sobre astronomía impartidos en universidades. Su experiencia docente abarca todos los niveles académicos, desde la escuela primaria hasta la universidad, incluyendo también educación continuada y seminarios para maestros. Su pasión por la educación es la clave del éxito, y sus resultados han sido evidenciados extensamente y de múltiples maneras.
Hitos profesionales
- Participante de PolarTREC (2015) quien viajó a la estación Amundsen–Scott del polo sur para realizar trabajos de mantenimiento y de apoyo técnico en el Observatorio de neutrinos IceCube.
- Premiado con la medalla de los Estados Unidos de América por servicios en la Antártida (2015), conferida por la Fundación Nacional para la Ciencia (NSF), una agencia del gobierno de los Estados Unidos.
- Pasado presidente de la Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico (SAPR), asesor estratégico, jefe de editores y representante de la SAPR ante NASA Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium.
- Miembro (2003–2006) del programa Embajadores del Sistema Solar, auspiciado por NASA / JPL, una iniciativa de alcance comunitario que opera mediante voluntarios a través de los Estados Unidos.
Experiencia académica (presente y pasada)
- Instructor de astronomía @ Universidad de Puerto Rico–Aguadilla.
- Instructor de astronomía @ Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez / Universidad Metropolitana.
- Instructor de verano en el programa Upward Bound @ Universidad de Wisconsin–River Falls.
- Maestro especializado en astronomía @ G Works (bajo contrato con el Departamento de Educación de Puerto Rico).
- Conferenciante de astronomía y matemáticas @ Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico.
- Maestro de ciencias de cómputos @ Academia del Perpetuo Socorro.
San Juan
Puerto Rico
My motivation to apply to PolarTREC is threefold: (1) a long-standing interest in earth science, and specifically, polar studies; (2) the desire to do actual science research and to make connections with professional researchers; (3) the opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge and experience that will further my goal of advancing science literacy with non-specialist students and the community in general. From the PolarTREC experience I hope to gain educational knowledge, professional experience, personal growth and new friendships.
Before his expedition, Armando organized the largest PolarTREC media circuit thus far resulting in over 50 articles published in outlets reaching Puerto Rico and related communities. IceCube PI Jim Madsen traveled to Puerto Rico to do avanced outreach with interested audiences. While on expedition, every journal was translated into spanish to broaden his outreach and make the content more accessible to his students and community.