Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 06:09

Hello, I'm Abby Gibbons from St. Mark Catholic School. What made you so interested in the project? Thank you for your time.

Susan Steiner

On 6/13/2012 6:21 AM, wrote:Hello Abby,
I was very excited just for an opportunity to come to Arctic Alaska for
the summer, and be able to concentrate on science and also make myself a
better teacher of science. Just being with scientists and learning how
they figure out what questions to ask and how to go about answering them
is very interesting. This particular project is appealing because they
are trying to figure out the effects of climate change on plant growth
and the cycling of the nutrients that are vital to plant growth. These
are complicated questions they have, but the implications of their
findings will help us better understand effects of climate change.
Thanks for reading my journals, and I hope you are always able to find
things that interest you and stretch your imagination!