Hi Susan!

Fun to see your hike up Jade Mountain. I think we'll have to try that one with the kids in the future. What a view!!

I'm glad that you got to hike with Melissa. Love the photos of you, Melissa, and Nick. You all are just BEAMING :)

Great job on journals and the live event.

Cheers, Janet

Susan Steiner

On 6/11/2012 8:50 AM, webmaster@polartrec.com wrote:Oh my goodness, it was really fun to be here with Melissa, and now with
Nick! You and your kids could totally hike up Jade, it is a wonderful
walk and not nearly as stressful if you don't carry your xtra-tuffs in
your daypack with you!
Thanks for the nice feedback on the journals and live event! Great to
catch up a bit on PolarTREC, it has been snowing off and on all day!
Come visit!