Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 01/07/2008 - 04:23

what is the signifigance of finding the protocols for comparison, that will provide data to experiament with global warming?

Why do you have to go to antartica, to find this information on earths layers, and greenhouse gas levels?




Elke Bergholz

Hi  Zoe, The South Pole station has been collecting data from the atmosphere since the 6o-ties. Without this data we would have never found out that we have an ozone hole and we would have never tried to protect the world from the ozone hole by signing the Motreal protocol.
This is true also for other gases such as CO2. Antarctica is the control for the world that helps us to understand the changes in our atmosphere.
The Antacrtica is the control of he world. It helps us to monitor the atmoshere in the world: meaning we can compare it to this reference point. Any experiment needs a control. It is important for me to know how these data is collected to be able to teach about it in a better way.