Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 19:37

Hi Mrs. Ward,

I loved your journal about films. I enjoy them as well and will check out the ones you have listed to better prepare for my journey to the Arctic.

Have you read any good books about the Arctic? FYI I am reading Firecrackers Boys by Dan O Neil now. Although it isn't my typical type of read I am really enjoying it and it takes place in the north western Alaska.

Elizabeth Eubanks

Hi Gerty,
The last comment was from me ... Elizabeth.
I had also wanted to ask if you have read 50 Years Below Zero yet?
I picked up a copy when we were in Fairbanks for my father-in-law. He loved it. I will read it after I finish Firecracker Boys. I was wondering if you have read it.

I also encourage you to  continue  "movie reviews" as you watch them!

Gerty Ward

Books are good! Thanks for asking, Elizabeth (the short one). No I have not read either book you mention above. They both sound interesting and topical. Right now I am reading Farthest North by Dr. Fridjof Nansen, about the voyage of the Fram and her amazing expedition leader Dr. Nansen.

One of my expedition PIs recommended it and it is a fascinating read. As I am going on a boat, it is especially topical. Nansen is a vivid and detailed writer; his descriptions of the Arctic give me tremendous sense of place.
More books coming very soon!