Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/16/2008 - 11:58

Dear robin,

 i just wanted to know how does it feel to the antarctic  and what do you need to do so you can go there what kind of medicine but most of all i want to learn something of the antarica and am going to be writting you twice a week.i hope you can be able to write to me thank you your friend ivan rojas. 

Robin Ellwood

Hello Ivan! I am glad you will be writing to me! I look forward to your questions. It can be a bit chilly in Antarctica, but the scenery makes the chills worth every shiver! In all honesty, it's not too much worse than New England winters.... BUT - remember that I am in Antarctica during the SUMMER season, so the summer season (in the Dry Valleys) is not too much worse than the winter in NH! Other areas in Antarctica are MUCH colder!
I don't need any special medicine to go to Antarctica, but I do need to be "PQ"'d - that stands for "physically qualified." Basically, the doctors just want to be sure everyone they send to "the ice" is in general good health! I have PQ'd to go!
I hope you learn lots and lots about Antarctica! I am happy to chat with you any time! I can't wait to get there! There are several really neat projects going on, so enjoy your studies!