Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 07/12/2008 - 08:09

The family is looking foward to hearing all your stories and seeing all your pictures from Greenland. What were the little balloon things? Lucas Wants to know. How does it get so foggy at night?


Craig Beals

Hi Renee, Lucas, and Viv!
I guess I don't know what little balloon things you are referring to?  Sorry...
Why does it get foggy at night?  Good question!  At about the same time every night 9:30ish pm there is a icy fog layer that slowly moves from about 150 meters overhead to eye level!!!  This is probably caused as the air temperature starts to decrease and the wind speed slowly decreases as well.  The combination of the two allows this cool moist layer to move closer to the surface of the snow!
See you soon