Hi Paula.

Wow! I'm glad we told you to be flexible here in Fairbanks. Who knew that those words of wisdom would actually be worth something. We are glad that you landed safely in Cancun and I hope that by now you should be boarding the ship. Email us when you get your new email address on the ship.

Great journals! Janet

Paula Dell

Hi All,Shoved off from the shores this morning. Am getting a couple journal
entries/pictures prepared and will be sending them off this afternoon.
Beautiful day and is supposed to remain calm and clear at least until we
get to the Drake. At which point who knows!! Let's hope it's relatively
My ship email is Paula.Dell.guest@lmg.usap.gov
Until then....
p.s. Glad you like the journals. I got to model the gumby survival suits
so there is some good stuff on its way.