Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 20:14

Jillian,I am a student of an online Oceanography course.I am completely amazed after reading your journal.  Not only have you captured what your expedition entails, you have also managed to put your reader in the passenger seat!  I feel as if I am right there with you by your detailed accounts and how you have explained the one has given such detail as to each level (and desert recipe) of the ship.  It was fascinating to see what happens "behind the scenes"....thanks.My question is:  Are there any species that are in danger in the Bering Sea? Best,Marina Perez

Jillian Worssam

Hello Marina,
Part of your question is about what we consider "in danger?"  As I am sure you know the Polar Bear is a species that is getting a lot of attention these days, and there is no doubt that there are some challenges ahead for this species.  The bigger picture for me after living aboard the HEALY for a month was not so much what species are in danger, but what climate change is doing to the Bering Sea ecosystem, but how can and will the different species adapt.  The Earth is changing and so are many diverse and unique ecosystems.  One can only hope that the plants and animals in these ecosystems can adapt to meet the changes around them.