Greetings from the Admundsen Gulf! I am enjoying reading your journal and now can really relat to your experiences, especially to the late hours!

Do you have a gym on board? We have a very nice one. I run and do weights every other day.

Do you have a room-mate, a view, a bathroom? I apologize if you have posted about this, I may have missed it.

We are in light, patchy ice and yes, lots of fog here too.

All the best, and keep up the great journals!

Gerty PolarTREC teacher aboard the Louis S. St-Laurent

Jillian Worssam

Hi Gerty,
Yahoo, I hope you are having a blast, I look forward to reading along. 
We actually have two gyms on board, one is machines and weights one cardio, but alas I have not yet found time to use them.  I am sleeping about five hours for every 24, and have not made the time.  With so much science going on I want to see EVERYTHING.  I go to sleep and wake up thinking I have missed something.  I also think I have gained fifty pounds, food is not onyl a staple, but a social experience not to be missed.
Ice, I am so jealous, take lots of pictures.
Yes to the room-mate, shared bathroom between four women, our room is HUGE, and I don't spend hardly any time in there. 
Thanks for following along.

Jillian Worssam

Hi Gerty,
Yahoo, I hope you are having a blast, I look forward to reading along. 
We actually have two gyms on board, one is machines and weights one cardio, but alas I have not yet found time to use them.  I am sleeping about five hours for every 24, and have not made the time.  With so much science going on I want to see EVERYTHING.  I go to sleep and wake up thinking I have missed something.  I also think I have gained fifty pounds, food is not onyl a staple, but a social experience not to be missed.
Ice, I am so jealous, take lots of pictures.
Yes to the room-mate, shared bathroom between four women, our room is HUGE, and I don't spend hardly any time in there. 
Thanks for following along.