Hyvaa paiva!! How's your finish lessons going? I think your geese might be Greylag Geese. Enjoy your time at Kevo. I am looking forward to following your journals and seeing how life at Kevo has changed since I was there in 1975!


Susy Ellison

Gotta love that auto-correct on my computer. I meant to type-How's your Finnish lessons going??

Carol Scott

Hei! The Finnish lessons are going slowly, but it is fun to try tolearn. Almost everyone here speaks English, but are happy to help me
when I try to say something in Finnish. Kevo is pretty awesome, and I
will be posting a lot more about it in the future. We went up on the
ridge across the lake yesterday, with superb views of the surrounding
fells. Awesome area!
Kiitos for the message -
p.s. for non-Finnish speakers, hei = 'hello,' kiitos = 'thanks' as well
as 'please'