Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 06/29/2007 - 14:40

Mr. Wilder,

When exactly are you going to go Polar Bear swimming?  How long is it supposed to be for and tell me the temp. of the water when you go.  Also, DON'T and I repeat DO NOT get hypothermia because then I won't get to have an APES teacher!Cry  But, anyways have fun when you go and enjoy it because it's a one in a life time opportunity!!!!!!!!!!


                                        Tifaney Jones

Rob Wilder

Hi Tiffany,

Thanks for your concern about hypothermia.  I was no danger of that.  Actually the only thing that got cold were my feet from standing around.  We didn;t measur the temperature of the water but it is probably in the low 30's.