Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/09/2008 - 14:40

Are there sharks in arctic ocean? If there are: What colors are they, How big are they also how big can they grow to, How do they survive in the icey waters, What are the names of the shark species, and if they there do they leave for warmer water during a certain season or month?

Sincerly, Gabrielle


Elizabeth Eubanks

Great Question Gabby,
Great question - love the topic.
Whale Sharks have been seen in the Arctic, but thats about it. Most sharks like the tropical warmer waters!
Excellent connection to last years studies and this years studies.
I found documentation stating that they have been spotted in the Arctic, but they are also listed as only being in tropical waters. My guess is that there have been some excpetions.
As the waters warm a little we will see more and more species migrating or extending their range to that area.
They are huge and look similar to whales and the name implies.
Check out this website on them.
From the Tropics, 
Mrs. Eubanks…
Please note this site says they only live in Tropical weather.