Hello Elizabeth, Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Any idea on asking Lewis to try Walrus or Musk ox? What fun to have such a unique cultural experience.

From the desert! Jillian

Elizabeth Eubanks

Hi Jillian,
Wonderful to hear from you. No Go on the Musk Ox for sure. It is illegal to hunt them. As far as the walrus goes, I may or may not be here when it is ready. He has some wrapped in a sack right now that is curing. I am not certian if it will be ready or not before I leave.
But bring it on.... I will try anything at least once!
Honestly with all the Lemmings around and seeing that the people here are so into sustainable living, I am shocked that they don't eat the Lemmings.
 Could you imagine the names of the dishes... Lemming Pie, Lemming Nugets
Oh it is a shame they are so darned cute and that traditionally I don't eat meat!