Hi Mindy and Stacy,

I am really enjoying reading your journals! McMurdo Station sounds like a visual overload with so many interesting and different things driving, flying, and hanging around.

I have a question- I was wondering what the divers wear to stay warm in the water. I have been in cold water in Alaska in a wetsuit... but it is still not very pleasant. Do the divers have special wetsuits, or do they wear drysuits? Also- do the divers have any exposed skin (like hands or face)?

Thanks! Kristin

Mindy Bell

Hi Kristin and everyone,The divers wear warm clothes (long johns and fluffy bibs or insulated outfits like snow suits) and then they put on their DRY suits.  The shock of cold water hitting them anywhere could be dangerous.  They have "glove rings" at the ends of their drysuit so the rubber gloves (that they put on over mittens) can seal over the rings so no water gets in.  The hardest part where they are bound to get a little wet is around the lips because that is where their regulator has to fit in their mouth so they can breathe and it is hard to cover completely.
I'll try to get better pictures on the next dive to explain this better!