Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 12/08/2008 - 15:29

Hi Jackie,

Are you back in McMurdo now?  How is the drilling going?  Did the team make their goal of 20 meters in the oldest ice?  We have been thinking of you alot.  I imagine you all have been working extra long hours as the end approaches to get the most out of the last few days.   Has the team been able to get any more clean ice with good bubbles for sampling?  Also, have they encountered any more ash for dating?   How many helicopter trips will it take to get everyone and all of the gear back to McMurdo?  Will you be home for Christmas?  Thank you for your very detailed journal entries and the wonderful pictures.  We especially enjoyed meeting the drilling team.  We are looking forward to your next journal entry.  Were you able to interview Dr. Marchant?  I hope the weather is good for everyone's flight home.  Thank you for all of the great information. 


Jacquelyn Hams

Hi Jayne,I am back in McMurdo.  I will be posting the final field report in a few days.  Please go back and read the 22 November 2008 Return to MacTown (maybe tomorrow) because I made some changes. I am so glad that you appreciate the details of the journal.  Dr. Marchant and team work really hard and don't cut corners with the field work even under unfavorable weather conditions.  I want the readers to see what it takes to obtain sound scientific data.
The camp is returning in stages so that by the end of the week, we should all be back at McMurdo.  The plan is that we are all home by Christmas.
Look for the final field report maybe next week, but there are a few journals that I haven't posted in between.
Jacquelyn Hams
Los Angeles Valley College