Travel Update

    Today is my last day at the South Pole. I am sad to leave here, but excited to return to my friends, family and students. Unless there are weather delays, I will fly to McMurdo this afternoon, spend a day there, and then fly back to ChristChurch, New Zealand on Wednesday. The next day I will fly back to Texas! Although my journey here is ending, I still have so much to share about my experiences at the AGO! For example, what was the food like at the AGO?

    The Food Room at McMurdo

    Before I left to go to the South Pole, I visited a coveted place at McMurdo: the Food Room. I was allowed to walk through the aisles of food and choose snacks that I would like to have during my time at the AGO. I had heard about the rows of chocolate and snacks and was eager to choose lots of goodies!

    In the food room
    Michelle peruses the chocolate bar section of the food room at McMurdo Station.

    The chocolate aisle
    Michelle finds great chocolate bars to bring to the AGO in the food room.

    A box of snacks
    Peggy helps Michelle collect a box full of snacks for the AGO.

    The AGO compared to South Pole Station

    There are many differences between life at the AGO and life at the South Pole Station. One difference is how we eat. Instead of walking into the galley three times a day, picking up a tray and plate, and choosing what meal we want, we have to prepare our own food. Luckily Susan, our field coordinator, has an amazing ability to create great meals from limited resources.

    I had a preview of the food resources we would have at the AGO when sorting through leftovers with Susan from the last AGO she and the AGO team had visited.

    Eggs in a bag
    A frozen bag of egg product can be thawed and cooked for breakfast.

    Susan and margarine
    Susan Whitley is tempted to eat the bar of margarine which she will cook with at the AGO.

    Beans, peanut butter and cheese
    Although the labels reveal old products, baked beans, peanut butter and parmesan cheese are still edible thanks to cold temperatures.

    As you can see from the photos, some of the food looks old. Since it never gets above freezing at the AGOs, food lasts a lot longer than it would back in the U.S.

    Pizza and Quesadillas!

    Susan was able to cook some great meals on a small propane burner. My first night at the AGO, Susan made pasta with meatballs and tomato sauce. We had English muffins for breakfast the next day, quesadillas for lunch, and pizzas for dinner! On the morning of my last day at the AGO, we ate bacon and home fries. I was very impressed with the meals!

    Susan and the quesadilla
    Susan Whitley prepared quesadillas for lunch at the AGO


    If you had to take snacks for the AGO, what snacks would you choose and why?

    Do you think all the food at the AGOs can be eaten many years after they are purchased? Why or why not?

    If you had to eat one of the frozen food items that we will see at the AGO, which one would you choose and why?

    Math Connection

    There are 5 pounds of frozen "Break-o-Morn" egg product. If Susan, Andy, Bob and I each have a quarter of a pound of eggs every morning, how long will the bag of eggs last us?

    Weather Summary
    Clear and sunny
    Wind Speed
    Wind Chill
