It' been over a year since I was last in Greenland with Koni and his team, but it seems like a decade ago. The sights and sounds of traveling to such a remote place have left my mind. Occasionally, I look back at my pictures and journals to remind me of the incredible experience I had two consecutive summers.

    The Big House at Summit Station, Greenland
    Big House - Summit Station, Greeland

    To continue the PolarTrec experience, I decided that it would be beneficial to my students to learn what actually happens to the data once it is collected and transmitted from the AWS sites on the Greenland ice sheet. To do this, I submitted a request to PolarTrec to make a visit to Colorado University in Boulder to meet with one of the Steffen team members, who could show me where the data is housed and how they use the data for science.

    After getting approved, I had to decide how to get to Boulder and bring my family along, since they stayed home in my past travels. I decided to make it a working vacation. I scheduled two days of my trip to meet with Nicolas Bayou, graduate student at CU Boulder and longtime Steffen team member.

    Nikko Bayou - PhD student - CIRES
    Nikko Bayou

    • Nikko has been to Greenland three consecutive years and is in charge of the Greenland ClimateThe average weather over a particular region of the Earth. Climate originates in recurring weather phenomenon that result from specific types of atmospheric circulation. Network (GC-Net). • Automated Weather Stations (AWS) across Greenland • 13 currently transmitting/recording weather data • Important dataset extensively used in the climatology community • 3 AWS on the ice shelf monitoring the weather

    AWS Map
    Greenland Climate Network (G-NET)

    On my first visit to CIRES, Nikko showed me the facility where all of the data management happens. He guided me to the highly secure server area/room. The room was locked and had a security system. In addition, it had a climate control system, I guess to maintain proper temperature and humidity. You would not want this equipment to fail!

    CIRES Servers - AWS Data
    AWS Data Storage and Processing - CIRES - Boulder, CO

    After a tour of CIRES, we decided to call it a day and meet tomorrow morning to discuss how the data is processed. Until next time, this is Jim Pottinger logging off.

    CIRES Headquarters
