Location: Straits of Magellan Latitude: 55° 15.818′ Longitude: 76° 41.2399′ Temperature: 5.6 °C (42.08 °F) Wind chill: -0.7 °C (33.3 °F) Barometer: 985.6 mBar Relative Humidity: 68.9%
Antarctic trivia question (answer at end of this journal entry): Who was the first person to reach the South Pole?
A full day at sea…we worked our way westward through the Straits of Magellan and out into the open ocean. The most important activity of the day was our ship safety meeting where we were briefed on shipboard safety and what to do in case of emergency.
Looks like Victor needs to attend safety training class again!
Everyone on board has a life vest and an immersion suit in their cabin. We all tried on our immersion suits during safety training to make sure we knew how to use them. The immersion suits are affectionately known as "Gumby” suits…take a look at this picture and you’ll see why!
Trying on our "Gumby” suits.
Later in the training class we all got into the lifeboat – which in this case looks more like a submersible.
Nicolas, Martin, and Katie in the lifeboat.*
We didn’t encounter much rough water today – let’s hope our luck holds!
Answer to today’s trivia question: Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole on December 14, 1911. Amundsen was from Norway. He beat Robert Scott from England to the pole by three weeks.