April 11 GAVIA swims or problems solved!

    Wind speed: 2.5 mph

    Air Temperature: -21.4 C -6.9 F Wind Chill -13.2 F

    Latitude: 73—11.460 N

    Longitude: 146—41.714 W

    Morning:  Stereo photos.

    This morning our objective was to take photos that could be used to create a stereo picture. Cathy and I took a snowmobile and moved around the perimeter of the leads and ice ridges around the transect lines. Many of the stations we stopped at were Jackie Richter-Menge and Andrew Robert’s. These sites were visited by Jackie and others during the ice class tour. The photos were taken with identical cameras focused on the same spot and separated by 1 meter. The digital images from the left and right photos are then combined using a computer technique to provide a stereo image similar to a 3-D movie. This ice camp has been remarkable in that there are examples of many different kinds of leads and ridges located nearby.

    Cauliflower Shear Ridge.
    Cauliflower Shear Ridge.

    Afternoon: GAVIA swims!

    Martin ponders GAVIA.

    After working very hard and successfully solving a variety of technical problems, the GAVIA crew was ready to use the robot submarine to collect multibeam sonar data under the ice. GAVIA was transported to the dive hole (1) near the ridge (end line 1). I went out and spent the afternoon watching GAVIA do her thing.

    GAVIA near the dive hole.

    Eggert Magnusson

    GAVIA getting ready for a mission.

    GAVIA at depth.

    Eggert Magnusson (2), from Iceland, would program the mission for GAVIA (3), and then the robot submarine would be lowered through the ice. At depth (4), a weight would be removed using a line and a quick release. GAVIA would sit motionless for a few seconds as her sensors oriented her to the ice. Then she would accelerate off on her data collecting mission. When GAVIA reached the end of her data collecting line, she turned around and swam back to a location near the dive hole. GAVIA was then brought back up the dive hole using a tether line. At the surface the data was downloaded, a new mission programmed and the process was repeated. The crew worked very hard to get a number of missions done and collect the needed data. Now that GAVIA was working well Richard Yeo was all smiles.

    Richard smiles now that GAVIA is working well.

