I was unable to upload the videos I was making through out the cruise because we did not have live internet and had bandwidth restrictions. I will go back and add the videos to the journal where they fit. I am creating this media entry so you can find all videos and do not have to go searching for them in the past entries.
Hydrographic sampling
I consider this the 'every day video'. It shows the steps taken in most of the 140 rosette casts of the cruise, that happened at night as much as during the day. Begins with the preparation of the rosette by 'caping it', which includes opening the caps, closing the valves and spigots, removing of the ADCP cable, cleaning the sensor of the fluorometer and removing the fresh water syringes from the CTDA research tool that is submerged in the water to measure conductivity (salinity), temperature, and depth. sensors. You can see a scientists tripping one bottle from the lab after the rosette has been deployed from the Baltic room. The rosette is recovered and sampling begins. I show glimpses of the equipment used for analyzing or preparing the samples for their later analysis. My only regret is not having filmed the deployments during the days in which we were in the ice.
This video has been selected to be shown during the Ocean Science 2012 Film Festival in Salt Lake City. Even though the selection is not based on how good the videos are, it will give me the opportunity to get constructive feedback from Hollywood producers. Here is the trailer for the Film festival.
Ghost MooringAn anchor or weight attached to the sea floor used to hold a scientific instrument in place.
Video on the recovery of a mooring that was lost in Antarctic waters for ten years.
Fondeo Fantasma
Video sobre la recuperación de un fondeo que estuvo perdido en las aguas de la Antártida durante diez años.
Trace Metals
In this video scientists involved in the analysis of trace metals in the seawater narrate their work starting with the sampling all the way to the analysis. I enjoyed making this video, but had to fight constantly with it as I tried to keep it short. I am glad I followed the team along the whole process, even if that means having a longer video. I broke it into smaller components so I could post it here.
First part
Second part
Third and last part
MooringAn anchor or weight attached to the sea floor used to hold a scientific instrument in place. Recovery
This was the first real video I made for the cruise. It shows the recovery of one of the moorings on the east side if the entrance to the Ross Sea. I used the audio I recorded from the pre-recovery briefing that Jim Ryder gave on board of the Palmer.
Every morning for 38 days I took a short video from the window next to my bunk of the Southern Ocean and put them together in the following video. It shows the visual changes of the ocean roughly every day. I wish I had thought about doing this since the first day, since I missed most of the days in the ice and the biggest storms.
Humpback Whales
Pictures and a short video of the humpback whales that spent several hours around our ship.
Gumbi Suit
We had to learn how to use the survival suit in case of an emergency. I recorded when I tried mine. I am glad we never had to test how effective they are in a real emergency. (Coming soon).
Videos del crucero
No pude cargar los vídeos desde el Palmer ya que no tuvimos linea viva de internet. Añadiré los vídeos en las entradas de del diario como corresponde, pero pensé que sería útil tener un sitio desde el cual poder accesorios todos.
Muestreo Hydrográfico
Considero a este vídeo como el caballito de batalla, ya que muestra los 140 lances de roseta del crucero que ocurrieron día y noche. Comienza con los preparativos de la roseta previos como abrir las botellas, cerrar las válvulas, limpiar el sensor del fluorometro, quitar las jeringas del CTD y desconectar el ADCP. Se puede ver a un científico disparar una botella en el laboratorio y después la recuperación de la roseta. Ya que se ha recuperado la roseta comienza el muestreo. Al final hay detalles del equipo de análisis para cada una de las propiedades que se midieron. Lamento no haber filmado los lances que hicimos en las áreas con mucho hielo.
Metales traza
Este video presenta el muestreo y análisis de los metales traza. Esta narrado por el grupo de metales traza de abordo. Disfruté mucho hacer este vídeo, aunque estuve en constante pleito conmigo mismo para mantenerlo corto. Al final quedó más largo de lo que quería, pero me alegro de haber seguido todo el proceso. Lo partí en tres secciones para poder cargarlo en la computadora.
Primera parte
Segunda parte
Tercera parte
Recuperación de anclaje
Este fue el primer vídeo en forma que realicé durante el crucero. Muestra la recuperación de un de los anclajes en el lado este del Mar de Ross. Utilicé el audio de una reunión en la que Jim Ryder nos explicó lo que habría de ocurrir durante la faena de recuperación.
Cada mañana, durante 38 días, tomé un vídeo corto del Mar del Sur desde la ventana de mi cama y los junté en un sólo vídeo. Muestra los cambios visuales del mar cada día. Quisiera haber pensado en hacer antes desde el principio del crucero y mostrar más mañanas en el hielo y de fuertes tormentas.
Ballenas Jorobadas
Fotos y vídeo de las ballenas jorobadas que nos visitaron una hermosa mañana
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