I've seen many strange things in the parking lot on my way into work over the years. Coffee mugs, keys, wallets, jackets… and now I can add a caribou leg to that list! You really never know what you're going to see around here.

    Caribou Leg
    Caribou leg lying in the parking lot outside our lab.

    Today's journal is an audio entry. I've recorded some interesting sounds on my trip, and I'm going to share three of them with you here. Listen to each sound and try to identify what it is. I'll reveal the answers in tomorrow's entry.

    Sound of Science 1

    Sound of Science 2

    Curve Ball - Sound of Science 3

    Lab Days

    The weather has turned colder and foggy. The lack of sunshine really decreases spider activity, so it looks as though we'll be spending some time in the lab. Amanda and Kiki have been busy identifying mites and other spider prey at the microscopes, and I'll have a chance to join up with some other groups around Toolik.

    Microscope Time
    Amanda Koltz and Kiki Contreras busy at the microscopes!

    Toolik Field Station, North Slope, Alaska
    Weather Summary
    Wind Speed
