Visualizing Climate ChangeA statistically significant variation in either the mean state of the climate or the mean variability of the climate that persists for an extended period (typically 10 years or more). Climate change may result from such factors as changes in solar activity, long-period changes in the Earth's orbital elements, natural internal processes of the climate system, or anthropogenic forcing (for example, increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases).

    How can we visualize the Earth’s changing climate? We know human-caused climate change is real. We know effects are being measured - rising seas, higher temperatures, more intense storms. Yet, unless you are directly impacted by one of these events, it may be hard to really visualize the effects of climate change. And, the reasons for these changes - increased CO2 and melting glaciers, for example - are even more difficult to visualize.

    This summer, I will return to Svalbard (an archipelago owned by Norway, 700 miles south of the North Pole). I will join a small research team studying glaciers and the impact that global warming is having on them. Hopefully, through my participation, I will help document - and visualize - concrete examples of the effects of climate change.

    Back to the Arctic

    As I sit in a sweltering 95° Boston today, I’m getting excited about spending the month of July in the Arctic.

    Ten years ago, through PolarTREC, I joined Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette and Dr. Ross Powell (and six students) in the tiny research base of Ny Ålesund, in Svalbard, as they studied the Kronebreen glacier system. That life-changing experience taught me so much - about glaciers, for sure, but also about the process of doing geology field work. Through my connections with these amazing scientists, and connections with PolarTREC staff and educators, I have been able to infuse my teaching with polar science and field work.

    Dr. Brigham-Grette was gracious enough to let me tag along again this year as she returns to Ny Ålesund. Thanks to grants from the Brookline Education Foundation and the National Education Association, and support from PolarTREC, I am able to do so. This is indeed an amazing and special opportunity for me!

    The team in 2011
    Mark with Dr. Powell and Dr. Brigham-Grette, overlooking Kongsfjord in July 2011

    Boat ride to glacier
    Our "daily commute": Traveling by boat to the Kronebreen Glacier face in 2011

    Sediment coring with students
    Some of Mark’s students trying their hand at sediment coring at a local pond, practicing a similar technique he learned in Svalbard in 2011.

    Water in the Ice

    More on the details of the science later (or you can read the summary under “What are they doing?” on the sidebar of this page). But, here’s a very brief summary: Dr. Brigham-Grette is interested in learning more about the dynamics of glacier systems. In particular, she wants to study the way water moves through glaciers. Did you know that glaciers can have a lot of liquid water flowing through them? The causes of that liquid water are varied, including meltwater pools on the top of the glacier that penetrate down into the ice, and frictional melting between the glacier and the bedrock. But as the water flows down and through the glacier, large jets - like fast moving rivers - flow in and under the glacier. Dr. Brigham-Grette would like to explore how this moving water affects the movement of glaciers. In particular, what role does this liquid water have on the rate at which glaciers melt, and recede, in response to global warming. This of course has direct impacts on those of us living in lower latitudes, like Boston, where I live, because these melting glaciers contribute a lot of water to sea level rise.

    Upwelling plume
    This cave-like feature in the glacier is an “upwelling plume” where fresh water comes out from under or in the glacier and then up the glacier face, carving out this feature.

    Ridges called rills on an iceberg
    The ridges on this iceberg, called “rills”, are evidence of rushing, turbulent water moving up the glacier face.

    Going back to Svalbard is an incredible opportunity for a few reasons. First, I feel lucky to return to this beautiful landscape. Second, what a great chance for me to re-engage in field research with one of the most esteemed glacier researchers in the world! Finally, as someone deeply concerned with climate change, I will get the opportunity to see what climate change is doing to these amazing glaciers - over just ten years.

    Driving the boat
    Mark drives the boat to the glacier face back in July 2011.

    Learning to Fly

    As I will write about in more depth in future journals, studying the movement of water as it moves through and exits the face of a glacier will present some challenges. One of those challenges is that we can’t get too close to the glacier face - we won’t be able to get closer than about a few hundred yards from the glacier. This means there’s a whole region, right in front of the glacier, that is off limits. So we plan to use drone video and photography to help us see more closely in front of the glacier.

    Dr. Brigham-Grette has tasked me with learning how to fly the drone and getting officially licensed. Last week, a student of mine gave me my first lesson! It’s amazing what these little aircraft can do. He was able to show me many of the features that will make taking footage of the glacier possible. Tomorrow, I will meet with Merritt Harlan, a UMASS graduate student, to get some more lessons on the drone we’ll be flying. I also passed the FAA drone operator’s exam, so at least the FAA thinks I’m qualified!

    Drone flying lesson
    Mark takes his first drone flying lesson from his student Rowan.

    I hope to use my newfound skill to help the science team document the research, but perhaps more importantly to help convey to the general public just how serious the issues are around climate change. We are going to the fastest warming place on the planet, and being able to make a personal connection - and bear witness to what humans have done - will hopefully spur us all to action.

    Beautiful iceberg in front of Kronebreen Glacier
    One of the many beautiful icebergs seen in front of the Kronebreen Glacier.

    Heath School, Brookline MA
    Weather Summary
    Hot and Humid


    Janet Warburton

    Hi Mark (and Julie),
    We are excited that you get the opportunity to travel back to Svalbard and work with Dr. Brigham-Grette! What a treat for you and for us. This research is so interesting and we look forward to following along. I can't wait to see the drone footage of the glacier! That should be very interesting. Thanks for posting a great first journal.

    Mark Goldner

    Thanks, Janet! I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity. It's nice to reconnect with the polar educator and polar researcher community. And to learn new skills, like drone flying.

    Sienna W

    Dear Mr.Goldner,

    I can't wait to see the trip to the Arctic, the ice is so pretty. Super excited to be your student next year!


    Mark Goldner

    I agree, Sienna - the ice is amazingly beautiful! It's interesting how much of glacier ice is actually blue. This is not an optical illusion - glacier ice is created by snow piling up over thousands of years. This ice is filled with lots of air bubbles. As the snow piles up and compresses into solid ice, the ice structure changes, and the air bubbles are squeezed out. Then, the way light passes through the ice changes - so that blue light has an easier time making it through the ice than other colors. Eventually as the ice is exposed to the air, it changes back to a whitish color. The result are the beautiful shades of blue and white that you see in the glacier ice. Thanks for following along!

    Wilson S

    Hello Mr. Goldner, I thought that this was very interesting, especially how all the ice takes different shapes and sizes when it falls off. I was also wondering what equipment do you use to gather information about the icebergs?

    Mark Goldner

    Hi Wilson! Great to hear from you, and you have a great question! In future posts I will be describing a lot about the kinds of equipment we use to study the glacier, but I can give you a quick list for now. (You should know that we are probably not going to study icebergs much - instead we are trying to understand the larger processes inside the glacier.) There are 5 main pieces of equipment we'll be using: 1. Echo sounder - for finding sea floor depth. This will enable us to make bathymetric maps which show how deep the water is. This will help us understand how the sediments deposited by the glacier have changed over time. 2. Velocity meter - for determining the speed and direction of the water in the ocean. This will help us describe the water coming out of the upwelling plume and determine how it is changing over time. 3. CTD - this stands for "conductivity, temperature, depth". This piece of equipment has several sensors built into it which allow us to measure the conductivity (which is correlated with salinity or saltiness), temperature and the turbidity (how cloudy the water is). We will make measurements of these things in several places in front of the glacier. The hope is to create a sort of 3-D map of these measurements, which can be compared with similar measurements taken in past years. 4. Water Sampler - this device allows us to collect water samples at different depths. We will collect water samples and then extract the sediment suspended in the water. We will hopefully take water samples from several locations in front of the glacier, which will help us understand how the water coming off the glacier changes depending on the conditions. 5. Drone footage - aerial video and photography will give us visual information about the upwelling plume and other features.

    Again, I will be giving a lot more details about each of these 5 pieces of equipment as we engage in the actual measurements. So stay tuned!

    Molly S

    Hello Mr. Goldner!
    I am very interested in learning how glaciers have changed in the past 10 years. One question I have is, does the temperature of the water affect the glacier? If the water warms up even a few degrees higher, does it affect the way the glacier moves/interacts with the world around it? Hope Svalbard is fun and exciting! Thanks!

    -Molly S.

    Mark Goldner

    Hi Molly! Thanks for reading the blog, and you have a really good question. In fact, that is exactly one of the big questions that we are interested in learning about. We know that the temperature of the ocean is warming, and this may certainly have effects on the glacier itself since the ocean interacts with the glacier face as it juts out over the water. Oceanographers have been collecting data about the Arctic Ocean, and even into the fjord where the glacier sits. However, as far as I know they haven't been able to get very high resolution data right in front of the glacier. So we're hoping to fill in some of the gaps in knowledge by measuring the temperature of the water right in front of the glacier. And, since Dr. Brigham-Grette has returned to this spot several times over the past 20 years, we should be able to compare past measurements (including temperature) with the measurements we take this year. Then maybe we'll be able to get some answers to the very question you are asking!

    sean c

    Hello Mr. Goldner
    Its so cool that you get to go to the arctic again. Something I was wondering was what equipment do you use to do the research?

    Mark Goldner

    Hi Sean, lots more to come about the equipment we'll be using! Keep reading the blog to find out!

    lexi tringas

    Hello Mr. Goldner,
    What a cool experience your getting to visit the arctic again! I was wondering how fast the water tends to flow through the glacier and if it flows faster or slower in different parts of the glacier, or if the waters temperature affects its speed? See you next fall!

    - Lexi T

    Mark Goldner

    Hi Lexi, I'm sorry I missed your comment until now. You have some great questions - the speed of the water can really vary. I'm not sure of the exact speed, but that's something we hope to get a sense of when we measure how the water flows out from in front of the glacier. I don't think the temperature of the water would affect its speed, but as the glacier melts more, we would expect more meltwater, and that could increase the pressure on the water as it flows out of the glacier. This is because the meltwater can often accumulates in small lakes and then flows down through the glacier. The more water there is on top of the glacier, the greater the pressure would be at the bottom.

    sean m

    Hello Mr. Goldner
    I find it pretty interesting how you are going to the arctic again. Something that I was wondering was what type of equipment/vehicles do you use to travel on land with.

    Mark Goldner

    Hi Sean, while we're in Ny Ålesund there are only a couple of dirt roads. There are a few vans and trucks to help move equipment around, but we mostly just go on foot. Outside of Ny Ålesund there are no roads at all. So the only way in or out is by boat or plane! In the winter people use snowmobiles as well, but there is almost no snow on the ground in the summer.

    Cedar Alcott

    Hi Mr. Goldner,

    This looks like such a fun trip! Can you tell me why glacier ice looks different than ice on the ground and in ponds? The colors and textures look very different.

    Mark Goldner

    Hi Cedar! Thanks for your comment. The reason ice looks different has to do with its density, sediment content, and whether there is liquid water on top of it. One thing to know is that glaciers form from snow that piles up over hundreds of years and compresses into dense thick ice. You are used to seeing snow as white and fluffy. It's white because it is reflecting most of the colors of the visible spectrum coming from the Sun. When ice gets compressed in glaciers, more of the light is absorbed, and blue light is absorbed less than the other colors - so it looks blue. One of things we noticed is that when an iceberg first calves off a glacier it tends to be more blue. As the ice sits out in the air it gets whiter. This is because there are lots of tiny air bubbles trapped in the ice that expand as the ice is free from the immense forces of the glacier. In fact, if we turn the engine off on our boat when we drive through the ice we can hear a popping sound that sounds like popcorn - this is the air bubbles cracking open the ice. So the ice becomes less dense again and then it turns white.

    You also see a lot of glacier ice that is brown or black. This means it is carrying sediment - the crushed up rocks that the glacier creates as it grinds across the bedrock. This sediment gets pulled up into the glacier into bands that can be very thick - sometimes several meters thick. This sediment is the source of the piles of rock, sand and clay that we see deposited in front of and on the sides of glaciers.

    Alex C

    Hello Mark! I am a little bit late to you're blogs but I look forward to reading your other blogs I think its very cool that you're doing all this work learning about climate change. If I may ask about how many reactions will climate change bring to icebergs such as different patterns or reactions that change the iceberg? thanks!

    Mark Goldner

    Hi Alex, thanks for reading the blog. I don't quite understand your question... but I think you may be asking what I think will happen to the glaciers over time, so I'll answer that. If I misunderstood, post another question and I'll answer that too. Two of the glaciers we were studying are called tidewater glaciers which means they flow all the way down into the ocean. At some point they get so unstable at the edge that icebergs will fall off - this is called "calving". As the air and ocean get warmer, the front of the glacier retreats backward because it is harder to remain frozen all year round. The glacier is also getting thinner for the same reason. (It's important to know that the glacier still flows downhill, but where it ends - called the terminus - is moving backward. Eventually, the terminus of the glacier will retreat back up onto land. At that point the whole way the glacier interacts with the ocean will change, and this can have some big effects on the ecosystem of the fjord. For example, animals that depend on the flow of sediment into the fjord will be affected, as will some species of birds that nest on icebergs.