The seas calmed down around 9:00pm (2100 on a ship) on Thursday night and we were able to resume science operations. We kept going all day Friday, despite lumpy seas and 3-4 foot swells. The CTDA research tool that is submerged in the water to measure conductivity (salinity), temperature, and depth. team did a fantastic job launching and landing the instrument safely.
Going Grabbing
Every three stations, we use the Smith-McIntyre grab to sample the sediment. Evie, Kali, and Nate take a small sediment sample from the top of each grab. When they get back to the lab, they will count the number of cysts each of these samples. They will use that to map out where the cysts are in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas.
We also sample the invertebrates living in the sediment. When Patrick gets back to his lab in Seattle, he will analyze them to see how much saxitoxin they contain. This will help scientists to understand how saxitoxin travels through the food web.