We started our day with a check in about group education projects at an 8:30am meeting. The students are gathering information from scientists and staff here at Summit Station and feeling very positive about their work. I am excited for these teams - to have resources, scientists and examples right in their environment makes for a great experience. After breakfast the teams spent most of the morning gathered together working. It was a productive time and I'm really pleased with everyone's enthusiasm for a presentation. In addition to presenting to each other in Kangerlussuaq we're also hoping that the projects can be posted on the web so that others can learn from their experience.

    US Team
    U.S. Team works together on project

    DK Team
    Danish Team gathers information about project

    GL team
    Greeland Team works together to create a project

    I used this time for finishing the writing of yesterday's journal. I was up late last night hoping to have a fast internet connection from the Summit Station for posting photos. Maybe back in Kangerlussuaq. It was good to connect with scientists in the Big House to clarify information, set up interviews and write down contact information for later.

    An additional journal posting will include quotes from teachers and students on the Education in Science trip specifically about their highlights here at Summit Station.

    Whole Team
    Education Science Tour Team at Summit Station

    We had fun creating a photo of the whole group - all 14 of us on the stairs and under the U.S., Danish and Greenland flag on the east side of the Summit Station building.

    After lunch we got organized in two teams to go out to the snow pit and snow sampling area. Student drivers took us safely to the site via snow machine. Seven of us crawled down into the snow pit and Steve gave us background information as we looked at and tested out each of the many layers that represented approximately two years time. First the students learned how to use the Kelly cutter and put their snow sample into a plastic bottle. Teachers completed the task and we will all weigh these later to compare the density of the snow in the layers we sampled. Photos of the backlit snow pit show the gorgeous blue glow of the wall.

    Snow Pit
    Steve teaching snow sampling.

    Our other snow sampling activity collected surface snow for the lab in Reno, Nevada that will be sent along with other samples that are collected two times a week here. These snow samples are tested for ions and dust and give a record over time.

    Snow Samples
    We wore tyvek suits to take snow samples.

    After our trip back to the Big House we joined Steve and Lana to weigh and record the mass of the snow collected. Our bottles represented 16 samples from the different layers and gave us evidence of snow with 29% water to the maximum of 40%.

    Weighing Snow
    The snow samples were weighed and sorted by density.

    Another great dinner and we then had a Summit meeting with the whole crew in the Big House. Renee Crain gave an overview of the vision for Summit Station, information about the Joint Committee, inspirations for the Education group and the commitment from NSF to continue science support on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Everyone had an opportunity to ask questions of Renee or make a comment about Summit. Students spoke honestly of their experiences this week - starting with "terrifying" feelings at the beginning as they landed on the snowy runway and summing up their thanks for having lots of support for learning the science at Summit, experiencing the commitment of the entire staff and enjoying great meals.

    Kathy gave us the information about our plane for in the morning. We have to be packed up and ready to go at 4:30am. We'll have our sleeping kit and personal gear on the pallet by tent city and come into the Big House for some breakfast. The 109th in the LC- 130 are aiming to be here at 5:30 am but they have fuel to off load before they are ready for us. We hope to be on the plane and on our way by 7am.

    Greenland, Denmark and U.S. flags fly at Summit Station.

    Weather Summary
    high thin overcast
    Wind Speed
    Wind Chill
