I felt slightly disappointed to be flying into Alaska at night. What about seeing the mountains? I've been living without mountains in sight for over five months! What about recognizing the glaciers and rivers from the air? I've been telling many people about where I come from this year... and now I get to return to the most beautiful place in the world! But it's night... so I sleep. Even though my most recent residence near Washington D.C. is far, far away I relax because my HOME is below me.

    And yet when I wake about an hour from our destination I glance out the window and see the green ribbons dancing in the night sky! I AM in Alaska! I look across the aisle at my new friend and PolarTREC teacher, Simone and invite her over to see this incredible site! She has been reading for her GeologyThe science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing. class, bundled in her down coat and hat - the plane was freezing! We both gaze out the window and talk about how and why and "can you believe it?" It's a great way to share the always awe-inspiring place that Alaska truly is! The Aurora Borealis entertained us all the way into Fairbanks and this was the best invitation to the cold northern state we could have!

    My year as an Einstein Fellow has continued to bring incredible opportunities and people into my life. This latest experience in the PolarTREC training will prepare me to document, promote and communicate the summer expedition to Greenland funded by the National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs. The Joint Education Tour 2009 will bring U.S., Greenland and Danish teachers, students and scientists together to learn from each other as we spend time in Kangarlussuaq as well as at the Summit Station in Greenland. Stay tuned because there will be a lot more to tell you in the weeks to come as we pull this adventure together!

    Westmark Hotel
    Weather Summary
    cold and clear
