Sometimes wonderful things happen to you when you least expect it.
Grant writing is indeed a long and involved process. Don't let anyone convince you that it's not. However, once in a while, you become the focus of OTHERS hard work, and can get funding in a serendipitous way.
That is what happened to me on Friday.
Funding came through for a grant that my 'new' team was involved with last year. It will allow us to take our students to a beautiful preserved spot right on the ocean. The spot was purchased to preserve the land, study the history of how the land was used by the ancient Hawaiians, and do baseline studies to document the land as it is.
Part of the grant will be spent in supporting the curriculum that will be developed by the teachers who use the area in place based education. Included is use of Maui's 'Digital Bus' a computer lab on wheels. The project is funded though a NOAA B-WET grant.
Pinch me.
The project coordinator called me late after school on Friday to invite me onto the project. And she didn't have to ask me twice.