Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 09/11/2011 - 12:30

Hello! My name is Claire Placky and I am a part of the club that Ms. Herrmann has put together. I really enjoyed looking over some of your journal entries and just had a couple of comments/questions. My first question is how long do you normally stay in the dive huts? When did you first discover diving? And were you scared the first time you went diving there? Thank you for your time!

Claire Placky

Michael League

Hey Claire!All good questions. I can't wait until we get to follow Ms. Herrmann on
her expedition, can you?
We're the dive hut for a little over an hour usually. Sometimes, it's
shorter. Sometimes, it's longer.
I first discovered SCUBA diving when I was about 10 years old. My Dad
took me to a swimming pool and let me try in the shallow end.
The first time I went diving in Antarctica, I was nervous. Every dive I
get a little more comfortable and it gets a little easier. Plus, once
you see what's under the ice, it's easy to get excited about going back
for more dives.
Thanks for following along.