HI Keri, Great journals- great to see you and of course Rob and Jenny! Love the beard on Rob and can't wait to see Jeremy's! So with all of these plants that you are learning I was wondering if you have a favorite one.. so far. Of course I know knew things are probably popping up everyday and your favorite may change, but just wondered! Please tell everyone hello! ** Which lab room are ya'll working in? Are they still in the back corner? Have fun!

Keri Rodgers

Do I have a favorite plant? Hmmmmmm.....I have a soft spot in my heart for Ranunculis nivalis, because it was the first plat I learned. I like the cuteness of Saxafraga cernua. Poa artica has become my favorite graminoid (grass). I just saw some purple flowers that I love; however, I don't know their names yet. However, I think lichen is the new found plant love of my life and my favorite is Dactylina arctica. Lichen is just sooooooo cool! We are in Lab B. We're sharing with San Diego State University. UTEP (University of Texas: El Paso) is right next door in Lab D.

Elizabeth Eubanks

Ahh a Buttercup variety!
Wow - just read your most previous journals and am amazed by the wind! Crazy. Hope you are having fun. Bug collecting sounds interesting... there was a time when I thought I would be an entomologist! I know weird!
Hi Sergio- I still have fond memories of his mint tea!
Cheers sounds like life is grand!