HI Tom

I have just settled down enough to browse PolarTREC and am in awe and quite thrilled by seeing your photos.

I will take the next few days to catch up with your research and time on your expedition.

Loved your most recent journal - thanks DAD! It was my dad who got me hooked on birds too.

Have a great couple of last days! I will be in touch.

I am sure I will have questions!

Cheers, Elizabeth Eubanks polarTREC alum 08 ( I met you in Fairbanks in the spring)

Thomas Harten

webmaster@polartrec.com wrote:Hi Elizabeth,
Great to hear from you! I am back in Maryland now and still getting
used to the heat (I know that this has nothing on Florida summers!)
I know that you'd enjoy the Pribilofs with your interest in birds and
Please do contact me with any questions that you or your students may have.
Have a great school year!